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chenranj committed Jan 19, 2025
1 parent 96a0520 commit 6a2f024
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Showing 36 changed files with 1,106 additions and 1,233 deletions.
46 changes: 23 additions & 23 deletions blog-post-contributions/
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layout: page
title: Blog Post Contributions
title: 博客文章投稿

The [ blog]( helps to keep the Swift community informed of recent developments in the language, the release roadmap, interesting new features, libraries, tools, and announcing project & community initiatives. It is central to Diversity in Swift’s mission to recognize and highlight work across the community. We welcome blog post contributions from everyone, regardless of background or experience.
[ 博客](致力于让 Swift 社区了解语言的最新发展、发布路线图、有趣的新特性、库、工具,以及项目和社区倡议。认可并突出社区各方面的工作是 Swift 多元化的核心使命。我们欢迎所有人投稿博客文章,不论背景或经验如何。

Are you doing interesting things using Swift? The community would love to hear how you’ve been using the language. See the process below for details on how to submit a blog post.
你在用 Swift 做有趣的事情吗?社区很想听听你是如何使用这门语言的。请查看下面的流程了解如何提交博客文章。

## Community Contributed Content
## 社区贡献内容

Blog posts don’t necessarily need to be technical, and your writing can appeal to anyone from beginners to language experts. Did you have an unusual journey towards Swift? Share that story. Did you use Swift code to interact with some hardware or in another context that people might not expect? That sounds great. Is there a previously covered topic you’d like to take further? Adding your experience and perspective is valuable.
博客文章不一定要是技术性的,你的写作可以面向从初学者到语言专家的任何人。你是否有一段不寻常的 Swift 学习之旅?分享这个故事吧。你是否用 Swift 代码与一些硬件交互,或在人们意想不到的场景中使用它?那听起来很棒。是否有一个之前讨论过的主题你想进一步探讨?添加你的经验和观点都是很有价值的。

Readers have different backgrounds and experiences, but you can assume a basic knowledge of the Swift language.
读者有不同的背景和经验,但你可以假设他们具备 Swift 语言的基础知识。

Is there anything to avoid in a blog post? There’s a short list: 博客文章有什么需要避免的内容吗?这里有一个简短的清单:

* Directly commercial content promoting a product, service, or event.
* Launch announcements for apps or libraries. While a blog post could talk about a new Swift language library or package, it should not be the post’s focus. The [Community Showcase]( section of the Swift forums is ideal for community announcements.
* 直接宣传产品、服务或活动的商业内容。
* 应用程序或库的发布公告。虽然博客文章可以谈论新的 Swift 语言库或包,但这不应该是文章的重点。Swift 论坛的[社区展示](板块是社区公告的理想场所。

All blog posts are published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. You may re-publish your work on your own website under this license with appropriate attribution.
所有 博客文章都在知识共享署名 4.0 国际许可协议下发布。在适当署名的情况下,你可以在自己的网站上以这个许可重新发布你的作品。

## Writing Guidelines
## 写作指南

Blog posts on don’t need to be written in a particular style, but there are some guidelines below that will help make a great post: 的博客文章不需要遵循特定的写作风格,但以下指南将帮助你写出优秀的文章:

* Write inclusively and respectfully according to the Code of Conduct.
* There’s no set length for a blog post, but between 500 and 1,000 words is typical.
* Screenshots, illustrations, code snippets, and links to documentation or other websites can be worth a thousand words.
* You can write alone or in a small group. It’s up to you.
* 根据 行为准则,以包容和尊重的方式写作。
* 博客文章没有固定长度要求,但通常在 500 1,000 字之间。
* 截图、插图、代码片段以及文档或其他网站的链接可能胜过千言万语。
* 你可以独自写作或与小组合作,这由你决定。

## Submission Process
## 提交流程

Submit ideas or drafts of blog posts by [sending a message to the @swift-website-workgroup]( Be sure to include some details about what you’d like to contribute in your post:
通过[@swift-website-workgroup 发送消息](来提交博客文章的想法或草稿。请务必包含一些关于你想在文章中贡献的内容的详细信息:

* Either a first draft or a few paragraphs that summarise your post idea.
* Whether your post or the topic it covers is time-sensitive and any information on why.
* Your name and Swift forum username. If you are writing as a group, include everyone.
* 初稿或几段概述你的文章想法的内容。
* 你的文章或其涉及的主题是否有时间敏感性,以及任何相关说明。
* 你的姓名和 Swift 论坛用户名。如果是小组写作,请包含所有人的信息。

The [Swift Website Workgroup]({% link website-workgroup/ %}) discusses blog post pitches bi-weekly and will reply to all submissions.
[Swift 网站工作组]({% link website-workgroup/ %})每两周讨论一次博客文章提案,并会回复所有提交的内容。

Like all contributions to this website, the [ website governance]({% link website-governance/ %}) process covers all blog post submissions.
与对本网站的所有贡献一样,所有博客文章提交都遵循 [ 网站管理]({% link website-governance/ %})流程。
47 changes: 23 additions & 24 deletions code-of-conduct/
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layout: page
title: Code of Conduct
title: 行为准则

To be a truly great community, needs to welcome developers from all walks of life, with different backgrounds, and with a wide range of experience. A diverse and friendly community will have more great ideas, more unique perspectives, and produce more great code. We will work diligently to make the Swift community welcoming to everyone.
要成为一个真正优秀的社区, 需要欢迎来自各行各业、具有不同背景和广泛经验的开发者。一个多元化且友好的社区将会产生更多绝妙的想法、更多独特的视角,并创造出更出色的代码。我们将努力不懈地使 Swift 社区欢迎每一个人。

To give clarity of what is expected of our members, is based on the code of conduct defined by []( This document is used across many open source communities, and we think it articulates our values well.
为了明确我们对成员的期望, 的行为准则基于 []( 所定义的准则。这份文档被许多开源社区所采用,我们认为它很好地表达了我们的价值观。

### Contributor Code of Conduct v1.4
### 贡献者行为准则 v1.4

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:

* Using welcoming and inclusive language (e.g., prefer non-gendered words like “folks” to “guys”, non-ableist words like “soundness check” to “sanity check”, etc.).
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences.
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism.
* Focusing on what is best for the community.
* Showing empathy towards other community members.
* 使用友好和包容的语言(例如,用"大家"这样不带性别的词语代替"小伙子们",用"合理性检查"这样不带歧视的词语代替"健全性检查"等)。
* 尊重不同的观点和经历。
* 优雅地接受建设性批评。
* 关注对社区最有利的事情。
* 对其他社区成员表示同理心。

Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:

* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances.
* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks.
* Public or private harassment.
* Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission.
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting.
* 使用带有性暗示的语言或图像,以及不受欢迎的性关注或性挑逗。
* 恶意攻击、侮辱性/贬损性评论,以及人身或政治攻击。
* 公开或私下的骚扰。
* 未经明确许可,发布他人的私人信息,如物理地址或电子邮件地址。
* 其他在专业环境中可能被认为不恰当的行为。

Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.

Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.

This Code of Conduct applies within all project spaces managed by, including (but not limited to) source code repositories, bug trackers, web sites, documentation, and online forums. It also applies when an individual is representing the project or its community in public spaces. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event.
本行为准则适用于 管理的所有项目空间,包括(但不限于)源代码仓库、问题追踪器、网站、文档和在线论坛。当个人在公共场所代表项目或其社区时,本准则也适用。代表项目或社区的例子包括使用官方项目电子邮件地址、通过官方社交媒体账号发帖,或在线上或线下活动中担任指定代表。

Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting a member of the [Swift Core Team](/community/#community-structure) or by flagging the behavior for moderation (e.g., in the Forums), whether you are the target of that behavior or not. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. Maintainers are obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. The site of the disputed behavior is usually not an acceptable place to discuss moderation decisions, and moderators may move or remove any such discussion.
无论您是否是行为目标,都可以通过联系 [Swift 核心团队](/community/#community-structure) 成员或通过标记行为以进行审核(例如在论坛中)来报告辱骂、骚扰或其他不可接受的行为。所有投诉都将被审查和调查,并将做出必要和适当的回应。维护者有义务对事件报告者保密。有争议行为发生的地点通常不适合讨论审核决定,审核员可能会移动或删除任何此类讨论。

Project maintainers are held to a higher standard, and project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project’s leadership.
If you disagree with a moderation action, you can appeal to the Core Team (or individual Core Team members) privately.

This policy is adapted from the Contributor Code of Conduct [version 1.4](
10 changes: 2 additions & 8 deletions contributing/
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## Answering Questions
## 解答问题

One of the most important and immediate ways you can support the community
is to answer questions on the
Whether you're helping a newcomer understand a language feature
or troubleshooting an edge case with a seasoned developer,
your knowledge and experience of Swift
can go a long way to help others.
在社区中提供支持最重要和最直接的方式之一,就是在[论坛](/community/#forums)上解答问题。无论是帮助新手理解某个语言特性,还是与经验丰富的开发者一起排查疑难问题,您的 Swift 知识和经验都能为他人提供很大帮助。

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