type({Expr}) // returns the type of the result of the expression
// standard out
push {Expr}
// standard in
pull::[{Type}] // pull a type
pull({Txt Prompt}) // pull with a prompt
pull::[{Type}]({Txt Prompt})
// properties
var // mutable reference
val // immutable reference
// functions
fun // function
// types
trait // interface like type
class // a class...
// flow control
when ({Bit Expr}) // evaluator
else // failing case of when
loop ({Bit Expr}) // repeats a block of code
stop // cancels the repetition of a loop
val sansType = 10
val withType: Int = 20
fun basic {
push "Basic Function"
fun param(var0: Int) {
fun params(var0: Int, var1: Txt) {
fun multiParams(var0, var1: Int) {
fun returns: Txt {
=> "Hey"
// when
val num0 = pull::[Int]("1st number: ")
val num1 = pull::[Int]("2nd number: ")
when (num0 > num1) {
push "First number is larger"
when (num1 > num0) {
push "Second number is larger"
} else {
push "First number is equal or less"
// loop
var count0 = 0
loop (count0++ < 10) {
push "Count = " + count0
var count1 = 0
loop (true)
push "Count = " + count1
when(count1++ > 10)