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Sxtanna edited this page Jul 8, 2020 · 3 revisions

Classes are structures able to hold state and define functions.


class 'name'{(property declarations)}{::['super types']} {
  (properties and functions)

  1. class
  • All classes start with the class keyword.
  1. name
  • Class names must follow UpperCamelCase naming standards.
  1. property declarations
  • Classes support declaring properties that need to be passed. (sort of like a constructor)
  1. super types
  • Classes can "extend" traits, copying all properties and functions from the trait into this class.
  1. properties and functions
  • Classes can hold any number of properties and functions, this is also where implementations of trait members would be.


trait Being(val name: Txt)

class Human::[Being](val age: Int) {
  fun sayMyName {
    push "My name is $name"

  fun sayMyAge {
    push "My age is $age"

val sxtanna = Human { name: "Sxtanna", age: 21 }
sxtanna.sayMyName() // prints "My name is Sxtanna" to console.
sxtanna.sayMyAge() // prints "My age is 21" to console.

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