This GitHub repository is the result of a successful completion of a coursework from Skillshare. SQLite database for a Weather App
Step 1:
• Design • Optimisation • Diagram • Code This project requires me to create a SQLite database for a Weather App. A weather app will have several entities which include: User Time zone How are these entities related? It’s part of the requirements to connect these entities through established rules: Each time zone has many users Each user has one time zone( one-to-many relationship)
Step 2 Many-to-one Relationship is explored in this database. A single record from one table- time zone is be linked to rows in another table - users.
Step 3 To make this database efficient I will implement a design principle – K.I.S.S.. In addition, one-to-many relation will be replaced with ENUM. In this project a time zone has a name and that name uniquely identifies a time zone. The app will offer limited number of time zones, as such the time zone table will be replaces with ENUM or a list of options. This principle means creating an ERC( Entity Relationships Chart) with a list of options such as : EST, PDT, EDT etc., for the user to choose.
Step 5
This query display users in the same time zone.
Number of users in PDT