#Deactivate and expire sessions of users not active in your LDAP instance
##How to use with just docker.
- docker build -t slack_ldap_sync .
- docker run -it -e SLACK_MAX_DELETE_FAILSAFE="0.2"
-e SLACK_TOKEN="xoxp-exampletokenfoobarbazqux"
-e SLACK_SUBDOMAIN="https://team.slack.com"
-e AD_URL="ldaps://ldap.example.com:636"
-e AD_BASEDN="ou=people,DC=example,DC=com"
-e AD_SEARCH_FILTER_FOR_ACTIVE_EMPLOYEES_ONLY='(&(uid=*)(employee_status=active))'
-e AD_BINDDN="foo\user_name"
-e AD_BINDPW="password"
-e AD_SEARCHREQ_ATTRLIST='["mail", "active_employee_attribute=True"]'
##How to use with docker/openshift
- edit the source.example and set the variables how you want
- oc new-project slack-ldap-sync
- oc create secret generic slack-ldap-secrets --from-file=source.example
- run ./deploy.sh to deploy to openshift