- source_code https://github.com/Sz3yan/Tommy-Destiny
Tommy Destiny is a powerful app for Tommy to publish content, and grow a business around their content. It is equipped with modern tools to easily create, update and manage pages and posts catered for its audience.
pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py
- A2_Broken_authentication
- A3_Sensitive_data_exposure
- A5_Broken_access_control
- A7_Cross_site_scripting
- API3_Excessive_data_exposure
- API4_Lack_of_resource_and_rate_limiting
- API6_Mass_Assignment
- API10_Insufficient_logging_and_monitoring
Project Structure:
Tommy-Destiny ├── app.py ├── config.py ├── Procfile ├── README.md ├── requirements.txt ├── flask_session ├── google.json (include your own google service account key) ├── .env (include your own firebase credential) ├── LICENSE.md ├── mitigations │ ├── A2_Broken_authentication.py │ ├── A3_Sensitive_data_exposure.py │ ├── A7_Cross_site_scripting.py │ ├── API3_Excessive_data_exposure.py │ ├── API6_Mass_Assignment.py │ └── API10_Insufficient_logging_and_monitoring.py ├── routes │ ├── admin │ │ ├── admin_routes.py │ │ ├── static │ │ │ └── py │ │ │ ├── Create_policy_form.py │ │ │ ├── Page.py │ │ │ └── Post.py │ │ └── templates │ │ ├── admin_dashboard.html │ │ ├── admin_editor.html │ │ ├── admin_editor_page.html │ │ ├── admin_pages.html │ │ ├── admin_post.html │ │ └── admin_viewsite.html │ ├── api │ │ └── api_routes.py │ ├── errors │ │ ├── error_routes.py │ │ └── templates │ │ └── error.html │ └── user │ ├── static │ │ └── py │ │ └── Forms.py │ ├── templates │ │ ├── about.html │ │ ├── allposts.html │ │ ├── enterOTP.html │ │ ├── home.html │ │ ├── login.html │ │ ├── policy.html │ │ ├── post.html │ │ ├── pricing.html │ │ ├── profile.html │ │ ├── signup.html │ │ └── top4post.html │ └── user_routes.py ├── static │ ├── firebaseConnection.py │ └── serviceAccountKey.json (include your own firebase adminsdk account key) └── templates ├── adminbase.html ├── base.html ├── baselogin.html ├── includes │ ├── adminnavbar.html │ ├── footer.html │ ├── formHelper.html │ └── navbar.html └── top4base.html
Done by: Sze Yan, Yee Ping, Stefanie, and Mizuki