Hana Bezalel¹, Dotan Ankri¹, Ruojin Cai², Hadar Averbuch-Elor¹²
¹Tel Aviv University, ²Cornell University
This repository contains a PyTorch implementation of the paper: Extreme Rotation Estimation in the Wild
We present a technique and benchmark dataset for estimating the relative 3D orientation between a pair of In ternet images captured in an extreme setting, where the images have limited or non-overlapping field of views. Prior work targeting extreme rotation estimation assume constrained 3D environments and emulate perspective images by cropping regions from panoramic views. However, real images captured in the wild are highly diverse, exhibiting variation in both appearance and camera intrinsics. In this work, we propose a Transformer-based method for estimating relative rotations in extreme real-world settings, and contribute the ExtremeLandmarkPairs dataset, assembled from scene-level Internet photo collections. Our evaluation demonstrates that our approach succeeds in estimating the relative rotations in a wide variety of extreme-view Internet image pairs, outperforming various baselines, including dedicated rotation estimation techniques and contemporary 3D reconstruction methods. We will release our data, code, and trained models.
conda env create -f ./tools/environment.yml
conda activate rota_cuda_
git clone https://github.com/TAU-VAILab/ExtremeRotationsInTheWild.git
cd ExtremeRotationsInTheWild
mkdir LoFTR/pretrained
# download LoFTR model file [outdoor_ds.ckpt](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xu2Pq6mZT5hmFgiYMBT9Zt8h1yO-3SIp)
mkdir semantic-segmentation/checkpoints
# download SegFormer model file [segformer.b3.ade.pth](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-OmW3xRD3WAbJTzktPC-VMOF5WMsN8XT/view)
Perspective images are randomly sampled from panoramas with a resolution of 256 × 256. To avoid generating textureless images that focus on the ceiling/sky or the floor, we limit the range over pitch angles to [−30◦, 30◦].
Download StreetLearn datasets to obtain the full panoramas.
Metadata files about the training and test image pairs are available in the following google drive: link.
Download the metadata.zip
file, unzip it and put it under the project root directory.
we used this script PanoBasic/pano2perspective_script.m
that extracts perspective images from an input panorama.
Before running it , you need to modify the path to the datasets and metadata files in the script.
Pretrained models are be available in the following link: link.
The following commands test the performance of the pre-trained models in the rotation estimation task. The commands output the median geodesic error, and the percentage of pairs with a relative rotation error under 15◦ and 30◦ for different levels of overlap on the test set.
# Usage:
# python test.py <config> --pretrained <checkpoint_filename>
python test.py configs/ELP/streetlearn_cv_distribution_selp.yaml \
--pretrained pretrained/final_model.pt
python test.py configs/ELP/streetlearn_cv_distribution_welp.yaml \
--pretrained pretrained/final_model.pt
# Usage:
# python train.py <config>
#90 fov
python train.py configs/90_fov/streetlearn_cv_distribution_90_fov_overlap.yaml
python train.py configs/90_fov/streetlearn_cv_distribution_90_fov.yaml --resume --pretrained <checkpoint_filename>
python train.py configs/d_fov/streetlearn_cv_distribution_d_fov_overlap.yaml --resume --pretrained <checkpoint_filename>
python train.py configs/d_fov/streetlearn_cv_distribution_d_fov.yaml --resume --pretrained <checkpoint_filename>
python train.py configs/d_im/streetlearn_cv_distribution_d_im.yaml --resume --pretrained <checkpoint_filename>
python train.py configs/ELP/streetlearn_cv_distribution_welp.yaml --resume --pretrained <checkpoint_filename>
The dataset is constructed from Internet image pairs from the MegaDepth, Cambridge Landmarks, MegaScenes datasets.
The code implementation is based on the official repository of Extreme Rotation. Code from following works has also been used: LoFTR,Dust3R, semantic-segmentation,DinoV2 .