This repo implements minimum snap trajectory optimization methods for quadcopters based on Octomap (C++/ROS).
This packages allow you generating collision-free trajectory based on your map. You can set start and goal by clicking or use code API.
This pacakge depends on OSQP, OSQP-Eigen (C++/Eigen version of OSQP), Octomap. Please go to their official website for installation. If you are not familiar with CMake, you can follow the instruction below:
# install OSQP cd PATH/TO/YOUR/PREFERED/DIRECTORY git clone --recursive cd osqp mkdir build && cd build cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" .. cmake --build . sudo cmake --build . --target install # install OSQP-Eigen cd PATH/TO/YOUR/PREFERED/DIRECTORY git clone cd osqp-eigen mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make sudo make install # install octoamp related packages sudo apt install ros-noetic-octomap*
To realize global navigation, RRT/RRT* planner is used the global planner in this repo. It is not required if you want to write your own code using this repo. It is just for navigation demo.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src git clone # OPTIONAL (ONLY required if you want to play with our demo) git clone # make cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make
roslaunch trajectory_planner polyRRTInteractive.launch
See quick demo video for its example.
roslaunch trajectory_planner polyRRTGoalInteractive.launch
- Example 1 (Navigation):
- Example 2 (Navigation):
The following code explains how to use the trajPlanner::polyTrajOctomap
to generate collision-free trajectory from waypoints.
#include <trajectory_planner/polyTrajOctomap.h>
int main(){
ros::NodeHandle nh;
// Initialize Planner
trajPlanner::polyTrajOctomap polyPlanner (nh); // trajectory planner
// Load Waypoint Path and generate trajectory
polyPlanner.updatePath(path); // path: nav_msgs::Path
// Get pose from trajectory
polyPlanner.getPose(t); // get pose at time t
You can check src/polyRRTNode.cpp
for more details.
Planner paramters can be edited in cfg/planner.yaml
. The paramter names are pretty self-explained.
- Mellinger, D. and Kumar, V., 2011, May. Minimum snap trajectory generation and control for quadrotors. In 2011 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (pp. 2520-2525).
- Richter, C., Bry, A. and Roy, N., 2016. Polynomial trajectory planning for aggressive quadrotor flight in dense indoor environments. In Robotics research (pp. 649-666). Springer, Cham.