Release 331
Bug Fixes
[#11229 ] Fix autoscrolling when viewing session result (Tan Jin)
[#11272 ] Instructor Feedback Session Results: Session Duration formatting (Eric Liu)
[#11271 ] Instructor viewing students: incorrect message flashed before populating the page (Lye Yi Xian)
[#11325 ] Fixed Alignment Issue with Checkboxes in Template Questions Modal (Joflesan)
[#11359 ] Instructor checking activity logs: start time is not used correctly (Lim Zi Wei)
[#11274 ] student accessing an awaiting session: error message not shown (Lye Yi Xian)
[#11355 ] Empty results in instructor audit logs and results view tracking (Wilson Kurniawan)
New Features and Enhancements
[#11361 ] Delete course/session: remove the term 'soft-delete' from UI (Avinash)
[#11378 ] Prevent premature fetch copy course (Dao Ngoc Hieu)
[#11350 ] Compare table elements that are expected to be numbers numerically (Zheng Yong)
[#11338 ] Home page header misaligned (Xin Yee)
[#11335 ] Add save and loading icons to instructor's student edit page (Josiah Khoo)
[#11301 ] Fix for Admin searching for students: also show awaiting sessions (Zhang Xinyi)
[#11382 ] Add flag to indicate whether dev server login page should be enabled (Wilson Kurniawan)
[#11379 ] Add more system logs (Wilson Kurniawan)
[#11373 ] Add more system logs (Wilson Kurniawan)
[#11365 ] Track version of web front-end used to call APIs (Wilson Kurniawan)
Other Tasks
[#11291 ] Add tests for calculating statistics (Lan Yu Xuan)
[#11358 ] Split getSessionResultsForUser to different methods for course-wide and user-specific (Wilson Kurniawan)
[#11376 ] Registration keys should be encrypted only before inserted into DB (Wilson Kurniawan)
[#11171 ] Create tests for FeedbackResponseCommentsLogicTest::isNameVisibleToUser (Wu Qirui)
[#11368 ] Create exception wrapper for 409 errors (Wilson Kurniawan)
[#11363 ] Add institute field to Course object (Wilson Kurniawan)
[#11280 ] Add tests for calculating statistics for constsum-options-questions component (Lan Yu Xuan)
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