Releases: TEAMMATES/teammates
Releases · TEAMMATES/teammates
Release 278
Bug Fixes
- [#9047] Rubric questions: allow weight for each cell: Migrate legacy data into new format (Sukanta Roy)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#8884] Spreadsheet Interface for Student Data UI: Phase II upgrade for instructorCourseEnrollPage (Tan Heng Yeow)
- [#8907] Instructor: recycle bin feature: allow restore and delete sessions in instructor feedback sessions page (Sun Shengran)
- [#8889] Instructor: edit MCQ question: give an easier way to reorder options (Mudit Gupta)
Other Tasks
- [#9014] Instructor: recycle bin feature: refactor term 'recovery' to other meaningful terms (Sun Shengran)
- [#8969] Instructor: recycle bin feature: add tests for deleting & restoring of sessions (Sun Shengran)
- [#8965] Instructor: recycle bin feature: add instructions for managing deleted sessions in instructor help page (Sun Shengran)
- [#9020] FeedbackNumericalScaleQuestionDetails: refactor long methods (Sukanta Roy)
- [#9008] Rubric questions: allow weight for each cell: Migrate legacy data into new format (Sukanta Roy)
- [#9036] Student: comment on MCQ response: tweak comment UI (Nidhi Gupta)
- [#8875] StudentHomePageUiTest: fix state leak (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8974] FeedbackResponsesDbTest addResponsesToDb: inject real IDs for feedback questions (Shradheya Thakre)
Release 277
Bug Fixes
- [#9035] Student: Comment on responses: Fix put document error (Nidhi Gupta)
- [#9023] UI tests against live server: update automated login to match new Google login page (Xiao Pu)
- [#8998] Fix assertion error in instructorCourseJoinEmail on live server (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#9006] instructorFeedbackResultsPage: Team Contribution Question: Help link is not showing statistics table (Sukanta Roy)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#8914] Instructor Feedback Session: option to add template questions when editting session (Jacob Li)
- [#8951] Instructor: Help page: Documentation search feature (Mudit Gupta)
- [#8830] Student: submit responses: allow student to add a comment for each response (Nidhi Gupta)
- [#8961] Rubric questions: allow weight for each cell (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8928] Instructor: recycle bin feature: add instructions for managing deleted courses in instructor help page (Sun Shengran)
- [#8853] Instructor: recycle bin feature: allow restore and delete courses in recovery page (Sun Shengran)
- [#8861] Instructor: Add Course title to Student Details page (Mudit Gupta)
Other Tasks
Release 276
Bug Fixes
- [#8966] ProfilesDbTest.testUpdateStudentProfile failing on live server (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8956] Student: submit responses: implement back-end integrity check for responses (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8970] AdminActivityLogPageAction: fix bug in generation of status message (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8934] Instructor: Question view: visibility icon does not appear for new comments (Nidhi Gupta)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#8996] Spreadsheet Interface for Student Data UI: Section field should not be compulsory during enrollment (Tan Heng Yeow)
- [#8976] Instructor: enroll students: add a 'paste' option to the context menu (Tan Heng Yeow)
- [#8992] Instructor: comment on responses: support entering comments for each response from view RQG (Nidhi Gupta)
- [#8897] Instructor: comment on responses: support entering comments for each response from view GQR (Nidhi Gupta)
- [#8784] Student: view results: rank questions: show average (Nidhi Gupta)
- [#8917] Multiple-choice (multiple answers) questions: support weights for options (Sukanta Roy)
Other Tasks
- [#8991] Instructor: delete course: rephrase message shown when there are no more courses left (Shubham Kadlag)
- [#8967] Instructor Home Page: Hide options for instructors without corresponding privileges (Sun Shengran)
- [#8949] Instructor: Feedback Session: question number drop down menu (Hector Aguilar)
- [#8859] InstructorFeedbackResultsPageUiTest: Improve testing logic and procedure (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8948] Edit (@cybersol795)
Release 275
Bug Fixes
- [#8930] InstructorFeedbackResultsPage: Show consistent data on the webpage and downloaded data (Jacob Li)
- [#8924] Fix assertion error in instructorCourseJoinEmail on live server (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8936] Instructor: edit student details: email contains raw template literals after resending past links to the new email (Tan Heng Yeow)
- [#8938] Remove wrong Godmode changes due to unstable test (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8910] EmailGeneratorTest failing on live server (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8891] FeedbackRankQuestionUiTest.json: Fix data for Tests (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8913] Fix failing tests in AppVeyor Build (Tan Heng Yeow)
- [#8846] Instructor: creating a session: able to manipulate the option when checkbox is not checked (Mudit Gupta)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#8890] InstructorSessionEdit: Duplicate question easily with a duplicate button (Jacob Li)
- [#8923] Instructor: view results: add missing space and icon for 'Edit' link (@ah91086)
- [#8865] Instructor: create session: Improve error message shown when session created with invalid information (Vaggelis Malandrakis)
- [#8882] InstructorHomePage: Option to download results for each session under the result button (Jacob Li)
- [#8860] Instructor: MCQ questions (single answer): support attaching weights to options (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8756] Instructor: add a cancel button to terminate the process of adding instructor (Tan Heng Yeow)
- [#8836] Student: feedback submission: distribution points question: explain if equal points are not allowed (Mudit Gupta)
- [#8905] Instructor: home page: tweak spacing in drop-down buttons (Adrian Siwiec)
- [#8849] InstructorView: improve csv UI after being exported (Jacob Li)
- [#8833] Spreadsheet Interface for Student Data UI: Initial upgrade for instructorCourseEnrollPage (Tan Heng Yeow)
- [#8829] Instructor: Option to select multiple students under the remind particular students modal (Jacob Li)
- [#8939] Improve documentation (@cybersol795)
- [#8926] Update third-party dependencies (Wilson Kurniawan)
Other Tasks
Release 274
Bug Fixes
- [#8902] Testing: unstable behaviour in CI Config.APP_URL can be null sometimes (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8827] Instructors: sessions page: fix 'resend link to view results' (Nidhi Gupta)
- [#8881] Instructor: edit student details: resend past links to the new email not working (Tan Heng Yeow)
- [#8840] Instructor: view results: fix bug: sorting results by team is broken (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8793] Instructor: edit session: allow making session visible from a future date (Wen Xin)
- [#8724] Instructor: Session Results: Comment box shrinks when canceling and adding comment again (Nashmia Riaz)
- [#8714] Instructor: view results: fix IndexOutOfBoundsException (Pan Haozhe)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#8730] Student: view session results: do not show self responses (Sun Shengran)
- [#8816] Instructor: edit session: show a spinner while saving session (Adrian Siwiec)
- [#8863] Instructor: Edit session: Rubric question: Add front-end validation for empty weights (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8766] Student: submit responses: warn if there are unanswered questions (Jacob Li)
- [#8831] Instructor: edit rubric question: tweak UI to prevent misunderstanding of weights (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8735] Instructor: help page: improve content (Cara Leong)
- [#8802] Session reminder emails: mention editing responses (Vaggelis Malandrakis)
- [#8676] Instructor: students: add invite button (Nashmia Riaz)
- [#8518] Remove private sessions (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8577] Instructor: edit session: 'distribute points' questions: support 'some variation required' option (Joanne Ong)
- [#8742] Student: submit responses: tick email confirmation option if the form is empty (Tan Heng Yeow)
- [#8476] Instructor: update on number of char left for Session Name input
- [#8801] Remove the need to specify application URL in (John Yong)
Other Tasks
- [#8896] Use different msq result template to show statistics (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8843] BackDoorTest: add test for deletion of Feedback Session (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8856] Rubric question add/edit action test: Add missing parameter and additional tests (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8825] Remove JS coverage requirement (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8781] TimeHelper: update documentation and standardize method naming (Darren Wee)
- [#8812] InstructorFeedbackSessionsPageUiTest: New Session start and end with past date (Shaharyar Shamshi)
- [#8806] AboutUs and Acknowledge GSoC2018 (Yatri Patel)
- [#8296] Improve general reliability of tests (Tan Li Hao)
- [#8804] AccountAttributesTest: fix instability due to modified timestamp comparison (John Yong)
- [#8719] InstructorSearchPage: Add tests for links displayed with search results (Sun Shengran)
- [#8739] Use builder instead of telescoping constructor antipattern in FeedbackQuestionAttributes class (Pan Haozhe)
- [#8783] Use Java 8 map.putIfAbsent and map.computeIfAbsent (Pedro Lara Benitez)
- [#8770] Add AdminExceptionTestActionTest (Heng Yeow)
Release 272
Bug Fixes
- [#8539] Instructor: Feedback: View Results: fix the disappearing 'No specific recipient' panel bug (Phang Chun Rong)
- [#8762] Instructor: fix bug where session closed email copy is sent to the instructor even when it was not sent to students (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8734] AdminSessionsPage: fix parse failure for dates selected via datepicker (Nidhi Gupta)
- [#8677] Instructor: home page: fix sort by date (Nidhi Gupta)
- [#8665] Instructor: remind particular student: fix stray place holder in email text (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8697] Instructor: Edit question: Check for empty string in Numscale/MSQ/Rank (Options/Recipients) number fields (Nguyen Quoc Bao)
- [#8584] Instuctor : Feedback Questions : MCQ/MSQ questions : Disable drop down menu by default (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8612] Distribute points questions: fix total points to distribute being reset to non-default value (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8682] SendgridService: fix successful request detection (John Yong)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#8686] Instructor: search students: add a confirmation dialog for the "delete" button (Joanne Ong)
- [#8725] Instructor: home page: give menu option to edit a course (Jacob Li)
- [#8501] Instructor: home page: support a way to resend 'result published' link to selected students (Nguyen Quoc Bao)
- [#8517] Rubric questions: show summary excluding self-evaluation (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8687] Add support for daylight saving time (John Yong)
- [#8689] Instructor: edit session: multiple choice questions: support generating options for all other teams (Sun Shengran)
- [#8553] StudentFeedbackResultsPage: move additional information about work distribution to lightbox (Cara Leong)
- [#8373] Instructor: add ranking question: leave min/max boxes empty by default (Phang Chun Rong)
- [#8653] Instructor: remind particular students: show sorted student list (@mbi90)
- [#8618] Instructor Help: make rubric question example consistent with the rest of the UI (Sun Shengran)
- [#8600] Instructor: add new session: rename session template options (Tan Heng Yeow)
- [#8743] Webpack: Refactor config to support development and production environment. Add Sourcemap Dev Tool. (Phang Chun Rong)
- [#8713] Upgrade to Webpack 4 (Phang Chun Rong)
- [#8626] Update workflow/process documents (Wilson Kurniawan)
Other Tasks
- [#8732] Migrate remaining classes to use java.time (Tran Tien Dat)
- [#8776] AccountAttributes: remove HTML sanitization before saving for email (John Yong)
- [#8596] InstructorAttributes: remove HTML sanitization before saving for role, displayedName (Shaharyar Shamshi)
- [#8759] Migrate timezone value from feedback sessions to courses (John Yong)
- [#8736] AdminSessions*: migrate to java.time (Darren Wee)
- [#8673] Trim leading whitespace from HTML output (Metta Ong)
- [#8703] Add script to delete orphaned comment search documents (John Yong)
- [#8698] JsonUtils: remove code handling legacy data (John Yong)
Release 271
Bug Fixes
- [#8604] Instructor: Edit session : Distribute (Options) question : Points per option button stays hidden (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8548] Instructor: students: all records: fix error when course has a session with null startTime (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8609] AdminActivityLogTableRow: fix bug in displaying error message (Tran Tien Dat)
- [#8384] Instructor: edit question: fix erratic behavior when editing followed by deleting (Lu Lechuan)
- [#8472] MCQ and MSQ question: fix cancel question feature (Shradheya Thakre)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#8494] Feedback Session: Remove 'Never Publish' option (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8367] Student: submit responses: mention that partial answers can be saved (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8293] Instructor: edit feedback session: show course name and session status in edit form (Gan Sie Huai)
- [#8445] Instructor: edit session: multiple choice questions: support generating options for all other students (Pan Haozhe)
- [#8443] Sessions: student view results: stop showing a random identifier for anonymous responses (Nguyen Quoc Bao)
- [#8535] Instructor: remind students: send email copies only to requesting instructor (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8332] Show date in a universally understood format (Nidhi Gupta)
- [#8581] Instructor: session results: add a tooltip to the 'Remind all' button (Olha Hnatik)
- [#8502] Enhancement: Instructor: All Records of Student: Improve UI (Garrett Pement)
- [#8602] Update workflow/process documents (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8515] Upgrade to PMD 6.x.x (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8587] Update third-party dependencies (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8568] Running dev server via CLI: preserve local datastore across builds (Wilson Kurniawan)
Other Tasks
- [#8642] Migrate FeedbackSessionAttributes gracePeriod field to Duration (John Yong)
- [#8639] Migrate feedback session timeZone field to ZoneId (John Yong)
- [#8637] Migrate *Attributes time fields from Date to Instant (John Yong)
- [#8629] Migrate FeedbackSessionAttributes time fields from Date to Instant (John Yong)
- [#8613] TimeHelper: migrate to Java 8's
- migrate coursetimeZone
field toZoneId
(Tran Tien Dat) - [#8564] TimeHelper: migrate to Java 8's
- migrate is/get methods in TimeHelper (Darren Wee) - [#8575] Load time zone rules from resource file on application startup (John Yong)
- [#8540] TimeHelper: migrate to Java 8's
- migrate coursecreatedAt
fields (Tran Tien Dat) - [#8428] TimeHelper: migrate to Java 8's
- migrating conversion and formatting methods (Tran Tien Dat) - [#8551] AccountAttributes: Add test cases for builder (Abhishek Satam)
- [#8426] AccountAttributes: Add test cases for getCopy() (Zhagparov Ali)
Release 270
Bug Fixes
- [#8441] Instructor: session results: contribution questions: show 'Not Sure' as 'Not Sure' instead of 'N/A' (Nidhi Gupta)
- [#8469] Instructor: add options (Rank and Distribute Points) question: add more options inputs not appearing (Nguyen Quoc Bao)
- [#8413] Instructor: copy session: allow observers to copy sessions (Nguyen Quoc Bao)
- [#8379] instructorFeedbackEdit: fix visibility checkboxes not responsive after discarding changes (Nguyen Quoc Bao)
- [#8374] Instructor: Session: Disable submit button after session is closed (Sukanta Roy)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#8395] Instructor Help: integrate documentation for contribution questions (Joanne Ong)
- [#8400] Average Rank Excluding Self calculation not intuitive to users (Wen Xin)
- [#8486] Setup docs: Add installation instructions for Debian and Fedora OS (Progyan Bhattacharya)
Other Tasks
- [#8482] AutomatedServlet: always log request parameters (John Yong)
- [#8484] Fix AppVeyor failing build due to InstructorHomePageUiTest (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8460] AdminLogQueryTest : Fix PMD problem (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8457] AutomatedServlet: catch all Throwables for logging (John Yong)
- [#8456] FeedbackSession: use primitive type for all booleans (John Yong)
- [#8455] FeedbackSession: repurpose legacy timeZone field (John Yong)