Releases: TEAMMATES/teammates
Release 269
Bug Fixes
- [#8404] Instructor: copy sessions: fix inconsistency in instructions (Pan Haozhe)
- [#8235] Instructor results: fix unreliable respondents list (John Yong)
- [#8375] Instructor session: Disable remind button when submission has closed (Pan Haozhe)
- [#8423] Revert Cloud SDK 188.0.0 regression workaround (John Yong)
- [#8416] Address regression in Cloud SDK 188.0.0 (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8402] Typo under text encoding: change HTML to XML (Josemy Duarte)
- [#8392] Eclipse setup: refresh before cleaning the project for the first time (Tan Jun Kiat)
- [#8376] update instructions on running PMD in Eclipse (Tan Jun Kiat)
Other Tasks
- [#8094] Migrate FeedbackSession time fields to UTC (John Yong)
- [#8396] StudentProfilePageUiTest failing on live server (Tran Tien Dat)
- [#8382] Use builder instead of telescoping constructor antipattern in AccountAttributes class (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8354] Replace raw exception throws in production code (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8352] CSS files: fix coding standard violations (Shradheya Thakre)
Release 267
Bug Fixes
- [#8323] Admin: masquerade mode: allow viewing of profile pictures for any course (Tran Tien Dat)
- [#8360] Fix shrinking of Input feild for Rank Recipient/Options question (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8322] Add missing label number to instructor help page (Phang Chun Rong)
- [#8330] Instructor: edit question: remove the need to click edit button multiple times (Nguyen Quoc Bao)
- [#8331] Instructor: discard edit question button: sometimes button does not work (Nguyen Quoc Bao)
- [#8109] Instructor: enroll students: leading spaces in email should be trimmed internally (John Yong)
- [#8242] Fix anonymity breach for self-feedback questions (Xiao Pu)
- [#8197] Admin: home page: fix data row overflow (Barbara Rodriguez)
- [#8180] Instructor: course details: fix broken auto-highlighting of table (Minsung Joh)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#8371] Instructor: edit question: receiver is instructors: support specifying a max number of recipients (Lu Lechuan)
- [#8344] Remove Instructor Short Name when adding single instructor by administrator (Pan Haozhe)
- [#8182] Session closed email: rephrase info (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8259] Instructor: edit 'Distribute points' questions: make status message span both label and input (Joanne Ong)
- [#8218] Rank recipients: remove unnecessary feedback paths (Lu Lechuan)
- [#8265] Use 'Evaluee/recipient' in student submission UI (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8290] Instructor: help page: make style of sections consistent (Nidhi Gupta)
- [#8224] Instructor: help page: remove link-style formatting from sub-titles (Cara Leong)
- [#8116] Instructor: feedback results: provide copy instructions for Mac OS (Nathan Baihly)
- [#8349] Sync Checkstyle version for IntelliJ with the version defined in build script (Tan Li Hao)
- [#8325] Fix AppVeyor failure due to Guava version (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8310] Upgrade CheckStyle to 8.7 (Paweł Bąk)
- [#8298] Use dynamic versioning for App Engine SDK (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8276] Update build-related instructions (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8275] Dev docs: mention when to use GodMode (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8275] Eclipse setup: update text encoding instruction (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8275] fix broken PMD documentation link (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8275] fix CheckStyle and PMD Eclipse plugin link (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8275] Add custom gradle task for deployment (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8275] AppVeyor: Run all the lint routines (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8275] Dev docs: mention the need for npm run build (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8270] Fix broken link for Gmail Notes (@FritzJo)
- [#8249] Fix tracking of upstream repository instructions (Kevin Lam)
Other Tasks
- [#8340] Javascript: button event callback: use event.currentTarget (Nguyen Quoc Bao)
- [#8372] Review the client scripts (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8369] Remove obsolete backup and profilers (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8295] Update user map for Dec 2017 (Dishant Sheth)
- [#8258] StringHelper: Use functional programming to improve code readability (Darren Wee)
- [#8308] Java: Use Java 7 try-with-resources for AutoCloseable resources (Umesh Patidar)
- [#8351] Fix missing group for build script task
(Tan Li Hao) - [#8226] Java: Use Java 8 map.putIfAbsent and map.computeIfAbsent (Wen Xin)
- [#8236] Use builder instead of telescoping constructor antipattern in CourseAttributes class (Cara Leong)
- [#8281] Add test for checkIfEmptyRow method in (Adrian Siwiec)
- [#8274] Java: Use Java 8 Lambda expressions to replace instances of iterators. (Chng Zhi Xuan)
- [#8222] Java: Use Java 8 lambda as comparators (Lu Lechuan)
- [#8252] Instructor Help Pages: replace magic numbers used as element IDs (Akshat Jain)
- [#8269] Extract out duplicated code in (Wen Xin)
- [#8263] Update user map for Nov 2017 (Fateh Singh Sandhu)
- [#8233] Java: Use Java 8 lambda as comparators (Shradheya Thakre)
- [#8253] Java: Use Java 8 map.getOrDefault (Nguyen Quoc Bao)
- [#8223] Java: Use Java 8 map.forEach to iterate through map entries (Joanne Ong)
- [#8232] Java: Use Java 8 list.removeIf in place of Iterator (Pan Haozhe)
- [#8110] StudentCourseJoinConfirmationPageUiTest: fix Google login (John Yong)
- [#8206] StringHelper: Remove join(String, String…) (Darren Wee)
- [#8161] Update user map for Sep 2017 (Yungang Feng)
- [#8170] Remove method getInstructorsForEmail(String) (Sukanta Roy)
- [#8141] Update user map for Oct 2017 (Kshitij Kulshreshtha)
- [#8145] InstructorHomePageUiTest: remove redundant reloading of previous page (Orinn Williams)
Release 265
Bug Fixes
- [#8136] Instructor: feedback results: fix broken auto-highlighting of table (Abhishek Trivedi)
- [#8107] CourseJoinAuthenticatedAbstractAction: fix NullPointerException in live server (John Yong)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#7928] admin search: provide a mailto link with pre-filled values (Amar Prakash Pandey)
- [#8134] Update third-party dependencies (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8096] Migrate development tools to Google Cloud SDK - IntelliJ (John Yong)
- [#8071] Migrate development tools to Google Cloud SDK - Eclipse (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8045] Migrate development tools to Google Cloud SDK - CLI/Gradle (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#7637] Upgrade to Java 8 (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8142] Update weekly backup code (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8114] build.gradle: fix misleading message when dependencies are not found (John Yong)
- [#8092] update command to run static analysis (Andrea Castellanos)
Other Tasks
- [#8137] About page: Use data object to contain name of contributors (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8127] FeedbackRankRecipientsResponseDetails: Refactor getAnswerCsv (Naman Tiwari)
- [#8125], InstructorSampleData.json: fix invalid date format (Torben Brueck)
- [#8119] HTML: Remove all instances of
element with attributehttp-equiv
of valueX-UA-Compatible
(Shaharyar Shamshi) - [#8100] Convert *.es6 back to *.js (Wilson Kurniawan)
- [#8104] FeedbackQuestionsLogic: remove unused method isQuestionFullyAnsweredByTeam (Daniel Esponda)
- [#8102] instructorFeedbackEdit.es6: Remove unwanted space (Tanya Gupta)
- [#8060] InstructorStudentRecordsPageUiTest: improve stability (John Yong)
Release 263
Code Contributions from: Alex, Amar, Andrew, Ari, Bicheng, Brian, Eliot, Florian, Gaurav, Hirday, Jaikirat, John, Jordan, Mac, Mayank, Shehan, Sowmya, Sujeet, Taras, Vamsi, Wilson, Yi Chen, Zandraa
Review Contributions from: Amar, Damith, John, Li Hao, Taras, Thenaesh, Vamsi, Wilson, Yi Min, Yuan Bin
Sprint Period: August 29, 2017 - October 8, 2017
Sprint Velocity: 111 points (code) + 74 points (review) = 185 points (total)
Release 262
Code Contributions from: Alex, Amar, Bicheng, Brian, David, Hirday, John, Jordan, Kirti, Mayank, Melkysalem, Raghav, Sie Huai, Sujeet, Taras, Thien, Urvashi, Vamsi, Varshav, Viraj
Review Contributions from: Damith, Hirday, John, Li Hao, Mayank, Sujeet, Taras, Thenaesh, Vamsi, Wilson, Yi Min, Yuan Bin
Sprint Period: August 4, 2017 - August 28, 2017
Sprint Velocity: 82 points (code) + 52 points (review) = 134 points (total)
Release 261
Code Contributions from: Aditya, Ahsan, Amar, Bicheng, clmcdonald, David, Dominik, Felix, Hirday, Jeff, Jeffery, John, Jon, Kyle, Komal, Mayank, Raju, Shehan, Sujeet, Taras, Thenaesh, Vamsi, Yi Min
Review Contributions from: Amar, Damith, Hirday, John, Li Hao, Thenaesh, Vamsi, Wilson, Yi Min, Yuan Bin
Sprint Period: July 18, 2017 - August 3, 2017
Sprint Velocity: 116 points (code) + 76 points (review) = 192 points (total)
Release 260
Code Contributions from: Aditiya, Amar, Arjun, Bicheng, Bill, David, Hirday, Jasmeet, John, Komal, Ladislav, Li Hao, Maharshi, Marco, Mayank, Pravesh, Rahul, Sanjeev, Selvakumar Selvaraj, Shehan, Shiva, Shubham, Sie Huai, Sujeet, Surya, Taras, Tatiana, Thenaesh, Urvashi, Vamsi, Vishnu, Wilson, Yijia, Yi Min
Review Contributions from: Damith, John, Li Hao, Sujeet, Thenaesh, Vamsi, Wilson, Yi Min, Yuan Bin
Sprint Period: June 28, 2017 - July 17, 2017
Sprint Velocity: 256 points (code) + 122 points (review) = 378 points (total)