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MattiasBuelens committed Apr 11, 2024
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* The adaptive bitrate strategy of the first segment, represented by a value from the following list:
* <br/> - `'performance'`: The player will optimize ABR behavior to focus on the performance of the player. This strategy initiates playback with the lowest quality suitable for the device which means faster start-up time.
* <br/> - `'quality'`: The player will optimize ABR behavior to focus displaying the best visual quality to the end-user. This strategy initiates playback with the highest bit rate suitable for the device.
* <br/> - `'bandwidth'`: The player will optimize the ABR behavior to focus on displaying the most optimal quality based on historic data of available bandwidth and knowledge of the network conditions.
* @public
export enum ABRStrategyType {
performance = 'performance',
quality = 'quality',
bandwidth = 'bandwidth',

* Describes the metadata of the adaptive bitrate strategy.
* @public
export interface ABRMetadata {
* The initial bitrate, in bits per second.
* @defaultValue Bitrate available to the browser.
bitrate?: number;

* Describes the configuration of the adaptive bitrate strategy.
* @public
export interface ABRStrategyConfiguration {
* The strategy for initial playback.
type: ABRStrategyType;

* The metadata for the initial playback strategy.
* @defaultValue A {@link ABRMetadata} object with default values.
metadata?: ABRMetadata;

* The adaptive bitrate stratey.
* @public
export type ABRStrategy = ABRStrategyConfiguration | ABRStrategyType;

* Describes the adaptive bitrate configuration.
* @public
export interface ABRConfiguration {
* The adaptive bitrate strategy.
* @defaultValue `'bandwidth'`
strategy?: ABRStrategy;

* The amount which the player should buffer ahead of the current playback position, in seconds.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Before v4.3.0: This duration has a maximum of 60 seconds.
* <br/> - After v4.3.0: This duration has no maximum.
* <br/> - The player might reduce or ignore the configured amount because of device or performance constraints.
* @defaultValue `20`
targetBuffer?: number;

* The amount of data which the player should keep in its buffer before the current playback position, in seconds.
* This configuration option can be used to reduce the memory footprint on memory restricted devices or on devices
* which don't automatically prune decoder buffers.
* Note that the player can decide to keep less data in the decoder buffer in case memory is running low.
* A value of 0 or lower is not accepted and will be treated as default.
* @defaultValue `30`
* @remarks
* <br/> - This property is currently supported on Web platforms only.
bufferLookbackWindow?: number;

* The maximum length of the player's buffer, in seconds.
* The player will initially buffer up to {@link ABRConfiguration.targetBuffer} seconds of media data.
* If the player detects that the decoder is unable to hold so much data,
* it will reduce `maxBufferLength` and restrict `targetBuffer` to be less than
* this maximum.
* @remarks
* <br/> - This property is currently supported on Web platforms only.
readonly maxBufferLength?: number;
267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions pr-preview/pr-42/assets/files/Ad-f36cefb29d0e9a8486a7ad9794bf1c79.ts
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* Represents a VAST creative. It is either a linear or non-linear ad.
* @public
import type { AdBreak } from './AdBreak';
import type { CompanionAd } from 'theoplayer';

export interface Ad {
* The source ad server information included in the ad response.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Available when the {@link Ad.readyState} is `'ready'`.
adSystem: string | undefined;

* The integration of the ad, represented by a value from the following list:
* <br/> - `'theo'`
* <br/> - `'google-ima'`
* <br/> - `'google-dai'`
* <br/> - `'freewheel'`
* @defaultValue `'theo'`
integration?: string;

* The type of the ad, represented by a value from the following list:
* <br/> - `'linear'`
* <br/> - `'nonlinear'`
type: string;

* The identifier of the creative.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Available when the {@link Ad.readyState} is `'ready'`.
id: string | undefined;

* The ready state of the ad.
readyState?: AdReadyState;

* The ad break which the ad is part of.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Available for VAST-ads.
adBreak: AdBreak;

* The duration of the ad, in seconds.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Available when the {@link Ad.readyState} is `'ready'`.
* <br/> - Only available for LinearAd.
duration?: number;

* The width of the ad, in pixels.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Available when the {@link Ad.readyState} is `'ready'`.
width: number | undefined;

* The height of the ad.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Available when the {@link Ad.readyState} is `'ready'`.
height: number | undefined;

* The URI of the the ad content.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Available when the {@link Ad.readyState} is `'ready'`.
resourceURI?: string;

* The website of the advertisement.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Available when the {@link Ad.readyState} is `'ready'`.
clickThrough: string | undefined;

* List of companions which can be displayed outside the player.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Available when the {@link Ad.readyState} is `'ready'`.
* <br/> - Only supported for `'theo'` and `'google-dai'`.
companions: CompanionAd[];

* Offset after which the ad break may be skipped, in seconds.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Available when the {@link Ad.readyState} is `'ready'`.
* <br/> - If the offset is -1, the ad is unskippable.
* <br/> - If the offset is 0, the ad is immediately skippable.
* <br/> - Otherwise it must be a positive number indicating the offset.
skipOffset: number | undefined;

* The identifier of the selected creative for the ad.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Available when the {@link Ad.readyState} is `'ready'`.
creativeId: string | undefined;

* The list of universal ad ID information of the selected creative for the ad.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Only supported for `'theo'` and `'google-ima'`.
universalAdIds: UniversalAdId[];

* The ad readiness state, represented by a value from the following list:
* <br/> - `'none'`: The ad not loaded state.
* <br/> - `'ready'`: The ad loaded state.
* @remarks
* <br/> - An ad is loaded when the ad resource (e.g. VAST file) is downloaded.
* <br/> - another remark
* @public
export type AdReadyState = 'none' | 'ready';

* Represents the information regarding the universal identifier of an ad.
* @public
export interface UniversalAdId {
* The registry associated with cataloging the UniversalAdId of the selected creative for the ad.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Returns the registry value, or 'unknown' if unavailable.
adIdRegistry: string;

* The UniversalAdId of the selected creative for the ad.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Returns the id value or 'unknown' if unavailable.
adIdValue: string;

* Represents a non-linear ad in the VAST specification.
* @public
export interface NonLinearAd extends Ad {
* The alternative description for the ad.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Available when the {@link Ad.readyState} is `'ready'`.
altText: string | undefined;

* The website of the ad.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Available when the {@link Ad.readyState} is `'ready'`.
clickThrough: string | undefined;

* The HTML-string with the content of the ad.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Available when the {@link Ad.readyState} is `'ready'`.
contentHTML: string | undefined;

* The delivery type of the ad content file, represented by a value from the following list:
* <br/> - `'progressive'`: Delivered through progressive download protocols (e.g. HTTP).
* <br/> - `'streaming'`: Delivered through streaming download protocols.
* @remarks
* <br/> - `'streaming'` is currently not supported.
* @public
export type DeliveryType = 'progressive' | 'streaming';

* Represents metadata of an media file with ad content.
* @remarks
* <br/> - This metadata is retrieved from the VAST file.
* @public
export interface MediaFile {
* The delivery type of the video file.
delivery: DeliveryType;

* The MIME type for the file container.
type: string;

* The native width of the video file, in pixels.
width: number;

* The native height of the video file, in pixels.
height: number;

* The URI of the VAST content.
contentURL: string;

* Represents a linear ad in the VAST specification.
* @public
export interface LinearAd extends Ad {
* The duration of the ad, in seconds.
* @remarks
* <br/> - Available when the {@link Ad.readyState} is `'ready'`.
duration: number;

* List of media files which contain metadata about ad video files.
mediaFiles: MediaFile[];

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