モータードライバーを最大4基制御するシステムです。 高精度のエンコーダを用いて、PID制御を実装できます。
This system enable to control 4 motor drivers with high-accuracy rotary encoder.
This repository adopts git-flow.
- feature: A new feature branch
- release: A pre-release branch including a batch of feature branches
- hotfix: Fix a high-priority bug. checkout master
<type>: <subject>
- feat: A new feature
- change: Change a feature or remove
- fix: A bug fix
- docs: Documentation only changes
- style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, etc)
- refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
- perf: A code change that improves performance
- test: Adding missing or correcting existing tests
- chore: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation
BSD 3-Clause License