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Create Hetzner StorageBox

Christoph Raitzig edited this page Sep 28, 2024 · 1 revision

This plugin backups data to a generic WebDAV server. This page contains instructions on how to setup/configure a WebDAV server with Hetzner.


To create a StorageBox go to Hetzner Robot. Go to Bestellung and click on Storage Boxes BX. Select a StorageBox based on your storage needs. On the next screen select a location that is close do your deployment and click on In den Einkaufswagen and then Zur Kasse. To complete the order click on Zahlungspflichtig bestellen. After a short time you should get an e mail with an order confirmation. After a few minutes the StorageBox should appear under Storage Box on the Hetzner Robot website.

Click on the StorageBox and make sure that WebDAV is enabled.


You can also set a new password here by clicking on Neues Passwort erstellen. This will create a new password for the StorageBox and show it once.

The WebDAV URL is the server with https:// prepended. I. e. if the Server-value on the Hetzner Robot website is then the WebDAV-URL is

Velero also requires a password that kopia uses to encrypt backups. (Velero uses kopia to save backups on the WebDAV server.) This password is encoded in base64. E. g. if the actual password is static-passw0rd, set the variable to its base64 presentation, in this case c3RhdGljLXBhc3N3MHJkCg==.

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