Central online image source repository for custom NOOBS/PINN-compatible Raspberry Pi distro images that I roll from stock images.
Current OS images hosted by these JSON files:
- DreamPi DX v1.3 (v1.9 DLE)
- 2 variants of image
- DreamPi for Raspberry Pi 1-3, Zero
- DreamPi for Raspberry Pi 4 and newer
- Latest stock DreamPi image (v1.9 DLE) with various community addon patches included
- BBA Mode for DreamPi
- Allows DreamPi to appear on Dreamcast Now service when using a BBA connection
- Wi-Fi to Ethernet bridge (BBA)
- If the DreamPi is using WiFi connection for internet and Dreamcast is using a BBA, allows to repeat/bridge highspeed broadband connection to the Dreamcast
- DreamPi Netlink Tunneler for Netlink (Sega Saturn)
- Allows for web browsing, Netlink Zone/features, dialup gameplay for applicable Sega Saturn Netlink/XBand/modem games
- Sega Saturn VOIP Guide
- DreamPi Netlink Tunneler patch
- XBAND 16-bit support (Sega Genesis, SNES/SFC)
- X-Mail (cross-platform on Gen/SNES supported, not yet supported on SFC)
- XBAND News
- Player Lists (cross-platform on Gen/SNES supported)
- Gameplay (on DreamPi only, for supported games)
- BBA Mode for DreamPi
- 2 variants of image
- XBandPi (OBSOLETE, please use latest DreamPi DX image)
These repositories are setup as such:
- All assets for generation/defintition of the image (marketing slide_vga source images, JSON files defining partitions and general OS data)
- Tarballs
- Marketing.tar (slide_vga images)
- boot.tar.xz (boot partition image)
- root.tar.xz (root partition image)
- These tarballs are stored the respective Sourceforge repos.
- Tarballs need server/internet raw file access, and are usually >=100MB in size
- Otherwise would otherwise require pesky Git LFS/quota support on Github
This repository contains:
- repo_list.json
- Lists of tables to OS distros.
- Contains 1 entry, points to os_list_v3.json
- os_list_v3.json
- Lists of all distro images and accompanying data.
- They point to various JSON, image, and other data assets online from the respective OS distro repository
Please read the PINN repository for full information on these 2 types of JSON files. General technical information on how to setup a NOOBS image for online server support available on the DreamPi NOOBS page