A project which can be used to see how the position of bodies change in space based on the gravitational attraction of other bodies. Based on Newton's law of gravitation.
The project uses pygame to setup an environment and numpy for caculation. Although, I have made the calculations in such a way so that it includes the z-axis too, since pygame has only 2d functionality, all the values in that axis are 0.
For the demo, let's assume "src" is the parent directory of these files.
import numpy as np
from src.classes.body import Body
from src.classes.simulation import Simulation
body1 = Body(np.array([[500, 300, 0]]), 6 * pow(10, 15), (255, 255, 255))
body1.add_velocity(np.array([[40, 0, 0]]))
body2 = Body(np.array([[600, 200, 0]]), 6 * pow(10, 15), (0, 255, 0))
body2.add_velocity(np.array([[-40, 0, 0]]))
body3 = Body(np.array([[500, 500, 0]]), 6 * pow(10, 15), (255, 0, 0))
body3.add_velocity(np.array([[50, 0, 0]]))
sim = Simulation()
sim.initialise_environment([body1, body2, body3])