1 fix deploy script, Deployment script, the preparation work of actual installation is centralized for subsequent maintenance
2 fix stat & property, report in shm key & size to Web
3 All scripts are modified to bash mode, compatible with all platforms
4 fix windows tars-start.bat & tars-stop.bat, web not exists then not start web
5 fix tars.cpp.default template, add co & netthread paramter
6 Adjust environment variable write file to /etc/profile (mac/linux)
7 fix CommandStart.h, php tars_start.sh, remove space bug
8 fix tarsnode, doMonScript bug
9 fix start Java server bug, keep alive pid == 0
10 Repair the deployment script and delete the unnecessary SQL permission
11 fix windows start java bug
12 fix tarsnotify eType default value bug
1 完善部署脚本, 实际安装的准备工作集中到一起, 便于后续维护
2 修改stat & property, 增加共享内存key上报到shm key & size to web
3 所有脚本全部修改为bash模式, 兼容各平台
4 修复windows tars-start.bat & tars-stop.bat, web 不存在则不启动web
5 调整tars.cpp.default模板, 增加协程和网络参数
6 调整环境变量写入文件到/etc/profile (mac/linux)
7 修复CommandStart.h, php tars_start.sh多了一个空格的bug
8 修复tarsnode中启动doMonScript的bug
9 修复启动Java服务keep alive中pid偶尔为0的问题
10 修复部署脚本, 删除不需要的sql权限
11 修复windows上java服务发布的bug
12 修复tarsnotify中eType default value的bug