Herein lie references that Team Colonel Panic finds useful to read or go to
- A Challenger's Handbook by Caesium
- TrailOfBits CTF Field Guide
- Hackers Hut
- Exploit mitigation techniques and defeat methods
- Reverse Engineering for Beginners Book
- Modern Binary Exploitation
- Open Security Training
- sploitfun
- Embedded Security CTF or Microcorruption
- Exercises for learning Reverse Engineering and Exploitation.
- FuzzySecurity Tutorials
- HackThisSite
- Backdoor
- W3Challs
- Infosec Institute CTF
- Reverse Engineering Challenges
- Electrica the Puzzle Challenge - Crypto, from the looks of it
- Exploit-exercises
- OverTheWire
- SmashTheStack
- RootMe
- IO
- Sample PCAP Captures
- Password Dictionary (EN-rockyou)
- HTML5 Security Cheatsheet
- Shell-Storm shellcodes
- OverAPI - Cheatsheets for every language
- Infosec Institute Tools and Resources
- VulnHub Resources - and check out vulnhub itself
- OWASP Vulnerable Web Applications Directory Project
- Pentester's Lab Exercises - A set of web exploitation excercises with different difficulties
- XSS Challenge Wiki
- SQL Injection Authentication Bypass Cheat Sheet
- PHP LFI (Local File Inclusion), more powerful stuff -- allows you to get source of php files etc.
- PHP File Inclusion