vMod is the open source library behind the vanillamod.com website. vMod translates JavaScript into Minecraft commands (like /gamemode creative
). The result is the practicality of a real programming language, with the features and compatibility of vanilla Minecraft. vMod only works for Minecraft Java Edition.
This repository holds the documentation, transpiler, and code editor used on the vanillamod.com website. There is also a live playground for the transpiler and editor: https://meta.vanillamod.com/playground
Talk with the community and the TechLX team on the VanillaMod Discord Server!
This is best illustrated with an example. Here is some JavaScript:
// Counts down from 10 to liftoff!
function countdown() {
console.log("Initiating countdown sequence!")
for (let counter = 10; counter > 0; counter--) {
console.log(counter, "seconds remaining")
vMod will parse this JavaScript code and turn it into a datapack with several .mcfunction
files. Expand the section below to see the files that would be generated by the above code, with comments describing where each line comes from.
Click to expand!
# File - ./PACK_NAME/data/v_mod_playground/functions/countdown/main.mcfunction
# First console.log
tellraw @p ["","Initiating countdown sequence!"," "]
# Initialize the "counter" variable
function v_mod_playground:countdown/line0005_for-loop/init
# Check the for loop condition (counter > 0)
execute store success score @s vMod_LastSuccess if score @e[tag=vMod-v_mod_playground-var-counter-line-5-column-7,limit=1] vMod_Variable matches 1..
# If the condition passes, run the body of the for loop
execute if entity @s[scores={vMod_LastSuccess=1..}] run function v_mod_playground:countdown/line0005_for-loop/body
# Delete the variable "counter" created by the for loop
kill @e[tag=v_mod_playground.countdown.line0005_for-loop-depth-1]
# Last console.log
tellraw @p ["","Liftoff!"," "]
# File - ./PACK_NAME/data/v_mod_playground/functions/countdown/line0005_for-loop/init.mcfunction
# Create an entity to hold the value of "counter"
summon minecraft:area_effect_cloud ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"\"int-counter\"",NoGravity:1b,Duration:2147483647,Tags:["vMod-v_mod_playground","v_mod_playground.countdown.line0005_for-loop-depth-1","vMod-v_mod_playground-var-counter-line-5-column-7"]}
# Set "counter" to 10
scoreboard players set @e[tag=vMod-v_mod_playground-var-counter-line-5-column-7] vMod_Variable 10
# File - ./PACK_NAME/data/v_mod_playground/functions/countdown/line0005_for-loop/body.mcfunction
# Log the value of "counter" followed by the string "seconds remaining"
tellraw @p ["",{"score":{"name":"@e[tag=vMod-v_mod_playground-var-counter-line-5-column-7]","objective":"vMod_Variable"}}," ","seconds remaining"," "]
# Subtract 1 from the value of "counter" (as specified in the for loop)
scoreboard players remove @e[tag=vMod-v_mod_playground-var-counter-line-5-column-7] vMod_Variable 1
# Check the for loop condition (counter > 0)
execute store success score @s vMod_LastSuccess if score @e[tag=vMod-v_mod_playground-var-counter-line-5-column-7,limit=1] vMod_Variable matches 1..
# If the condition passes, run the body of the for loop
execute if entity @s[scores={vMod_LastSuccess=1..}] run function v_mod_playground:countdown/line0005_for-loop/body
Download the repo then
yarn install
yarn start
yarn install
downloads the required packages, and yarn start
initiates a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.
Component export with Bit
To push an update to the transpiler or editor components up to Bit cloud (so they are version synced with the private repo) run the following commands:
bit tag techlx.vanillamod/mod-editor --force-deploy
bit export techlx.vanillamod/mod-editor
Use techlx.vanillamod/transpiler
instead if the changes are to the transpiler instead of the editor.
This website is built using Docusaurus 2, a modern static website generator.