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Ted Cassirer committed Jan 5, 2024
1 parent 3b62132 commit 9199d05
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Showing 2 changed files with 121 additions and 0 deletions.
109 changes: 109 additions & 0 deletions aoc_cas/aoc2023/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
import dataclasses
from enum import Enum
from functools import cache
from typing import Self, Sequence

class Direction(Enum):
UP = (-1, 0)
LEFT = (0, -1)
DOWN = (1, 0)
RIGHT = (0, 1)

class Coordinate:
y: int
x: int

def create(y: int, x: int) -> "Coordinate":
return Coordinate(y, x)

def move(self, dir: Direction, k: int = 1) -> Self:
return Coordinate.create(self.y + dir.value[0] * k, self.x + dir.value[1] * k)

reflections: dict[str, dict[Direction, tuple[Direction, ...]]] = {
"/": {
Direction.UP: (Direction.RIGHT,),
Direction.LEFT: (Direction.DOWN,),
Direction.DOWN: (Direction.LEFT,),
Direction.RIGHT: (Direction.UP,),
"\\": {
Direction.UP: (Direction.LEFT,),
Direction.LEFT: (Direction.UP,),
Direction.DOWN: (Direction.RIGHT,),
Direction.RIGHT: (Direction.DOWN,),
"|": {
Direction.UP: (Direction.UP,),
Direction.LEFT: (Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN),
Direction.DOWN: (Direction.DOWN,),
Direction.RIGHT: (Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN),
"-": {
Direction.UP: (Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT),
Direction.LEFT: (Direction.LEFT,),
Direction.DOWN: (Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT),
Direction.RIGHT: (Direction.RIGHT,),
".": {
Direction.UP: (Direction.UP,),
Direction.LEFT: (Direction.LEFT,),
Direction.DOWN: (Direction.DOWN,),
Direction.RIGHT: (Direction.RIGHT,),

class Light:
pos: Coordinate
dir: Direction

def calculate_energized_tiles(board: list[str], start_pos: Coordinate, start_dir: Direction) -> int:
M, N = len(board), len(board[0])
lights = {(start_pos, start_dir)}
energized = {start_pos}
seen = set()
while lights:
nxt = set()
for coord, dir in lights:
if coord.y < 0 or coord.y >= M or coord.x < 0 or coord.x >= N:
tile = board[coord.y][coord.x]
for reflection in reflections[tile][dir]:
nxt.add((coord.move(reflection), reflection))
lights = nxt - seen
return len(energized)

def part_a(data: str) -> int:
board = data.splitlines()

return calculate_energized_tiles(board, Coordinate.create(0, 0), Direction.RIGHT)

def part_b(data: str) -> int:
board = data.splitlines()
M, N = len(board), len(board[0])
top = max(calculate_energized_tiles(board, Coordinate.create(0, x), Direction.DOWN) for x in range(N))
bottom = max(calculate_energized_tiles(board, Coordinate.create(M - 1, x), Direction.UP) for x in range(N))
left = max(calculate_energized_tiles(board, Coordinate.create(y, 0), Direction.RIGHT) for y in range(M))
right = max(calculate_energized_tiles(board, Coordinate.create(y, N - 1), Direction.LEFT) for y in range(M))

return max((top, bottom, left, right))


if __name__ == "__main__":
from aoc_cas.util import solve_with_examples

solve_with_examples(year=2023, day=16)
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions tests/fixtures/2023/16.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

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