- Fancy yourself a trivia master? Try out this quiz app, Built with TS, Open Trivia DB and Redux Toolkit.
- simple SPA where you first select options for a quiz, then you are directed through the Quiz of your options one question at a time
- Users can chose defaults if they want (10 random questions)
- using Open Trivia DB API
- I am not focusing on styling here! just very basic and simple styles, this is not a CSS show piece this is more about using REDUX toolkit and learning query build and caching Thanks!
- improve styling and responsive design
- Refactor RTK query builder
- Add support for users to save past quiz's and view a leader board
- certain requests to open trivia API return back nothing, not sure if this is a problem with my form inputs or maybe RTK query builder
- styled components
- React hot toast
- html-react-parser