Implement the Feature file "src/features/find-mortgage-rate.feature" according to the following:
- Navitage to
- Using the Menu navigatge to "Mortgages" > "New mortgage customer: Mortgage rates"
- Find mortgage rate for the following case:
- Nationwide mortgage = No
- Type of mortgage = Changing lender
- Property value = £300,000
- Mortgage amount = £150,000
- Term = 30 years
- Filter the results:
- Mortgage type = Fixed
- Product fee = With Fee
- Then check the results return the following products:
- 2 yr Fixed
- 3 yr Fixed
- 5 yr Fixed
- 10 yr Fixed
- Click "More info and apply" and "Apply" button for the "5 yr Fixed" product
- Verify the next page's heading is "Start your remortgage application"
All steps above completed plese refer to feature files.
run npm install
run chimp
by default this runs on chrome.
I used chimp framework which uses both webdriver Io and cucumber js as instructed you also find the documentation here: