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A supervisor like program to control tasks, for Ecole42.

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A Supervisor like process control program for Unix, written in C language. A full presentation is available on Youtube: IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE

This is an Ecole42 project.


A Unix process control program. It takes only one argument: a process
configuration file. It displays the running time of a process, the state
and other useful information about each given process. The program comes with
an ordinary shell, with some extra commands that allow to start, restart or stop
a process.

status [<process name>|PID<process pid>|<state>]
  Show all processes.

start [<process name>|PID<process pid>|<state>]
  Start "not started" or stopped processes

stop [<process name>|PID<process pid>|<state>]
  Stop a process (SIGSTOP)

restart [<process name>|PID<process pid>|<state>]
  Restart a process. First `sig_graceful_stop` is sent.

A basic shell's commands.

Note: $MyPid is the taskmaster's current pid. Use it for example:
$ kill -1 $MyPid
to reload the configurations. (SIGHUB)

On exit, all processes are Gracefully stopped. To forcefull exit, CTRL-C can be used.

Config Example:
                            ; defaults
logfile=./aux/log           ; none
log_to_term=true            ; false

[program:ls]                ; [0 ] program name is required
command=/bin/ls ..          ; [1 ] required
nprocs=1                    ; [2 ] 1
autostart=false             ; [3 ] true
restart_mode=always         ; [4 ] never
restart_attempts=1          ; [5 ] 1 (1/1)
sig_graceful_stop=9         ; [6 ] SIGINT (2
time_before_kill=1s         ; [7 ] 1s
umask=003                   ; [8 ] 002
expected_exit_status=[0, 1] ; [9 ] [0]. [] - no exepcted exit statusses
environment=Var1=val,Var2=a ; [10] taskmaster's environment
dir=..                      ; [11] current dir
stdout=ls_out               ; [12] discarded
stderr=../ls_err            ; [13] discarded
success_time=2              ; [14] undefined


[0]: program name
If another process with the same name already exists, then <prog_name>_<n>
is used.

[1]: command=<string>
Command to use to launch the process. A real path is expected. Only
arguments are parsed (no pipes or anything else).

[2]: nprocs=<number>
Def: 1
Number of instances to run.

[3]: autostart=[true|false]
Def: true
Start the program automatically.

[4]: restart_mode=[always|never|unexpected_exit]
Def: never
When to restart the program. If the maximum number of retries is reached,
the process isn't restarted anymore, unless the user asks so.

[5]: restart_attempts=<number>
Def: 1
By default it doesn't restart if it fails. restart_attempts=1 means that
the process starts only once.

[6]: sig_graceful_stop=<number> (between 0 and maximum signal code)
Def: 2 (SIGINT)
Signal used to quit the program. When a process has to be shut down, first
this signal is sent to it, the process entry gets "grace_stop" status
and "_grace_stop" string is added to the name, then, if it doesn't die by
itself in `time_before_kill` seconds, SIGKILL is sent to it. The
schedueling is implemented using SIGALARM.

[7]: time_before_kill=<number of seconds>
Def: 1s
How long to wait after a `sig_graceful_stop` before killing the process.

[8]: umask=<octal number>
Def: 002
The umask used for this process.

[9]: expected_exit_status=[<number>, <number>, ...] (array of exit statuses)
Def: [0]
Tell if the exit status was expected or not. If it wasn't, perhaps it will
be restarted.
Note: The exit status and exit codes are different.

[10]: environment=<key>=<val>,<key>=<val>,...
Def: taskamster's environment
The environment to pass to the process.

[11]: dir=<a valid dir>
Def: .
The directory in which the process will start.

[12]: stdout=[<file name>|discard]
Def: discarded
The file to which the stdout will be redirected.

[13]: stderr=<file name>
Def: discarded
The file to which the stderr will be redirected.

[14]: success_time=<number of seconds>
Def: undefined
How much time it should run to be considered successfully started.


A supervisor like program to control tasks, for Ecole42.






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