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Configuring tests

kimmoal edited this page Nov 22, 2017 · 5 revisions

Tests have been written for class TmcClient located in lib/tmcclient/test directory.

The tests are triggered with the additional test conditional argument in the file.

To get the tests working in QtCreator you must define the additional arguments to qmake as follows:

  1. Switch to Projects mode in the main sidebar.
  2. Choose the Build option from the Build & Run menu.
  3. Add a new build configuration named "test" by cloning (Add -> Clone selected) your selected configuration.
  4. In Build steps under qmake, click on the Details arrow.
  5. Add the line CONFIG+=test into the field Additional arguments.
  6. Build using the test option in the build sidebar.
  7. Tests should now be configured and working as intended.