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The-Best-Codes committed Jul 23, 2024
1 parent 6c2d4d3 commit ff869f2
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Showing 20 changed files with 1,457 additions and 157 deletions.
272 changes: 136 additions & 136 deletions dist/data/bible.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions dist/esm/global.d.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
"use strict";
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions dist/esm/index.d.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
"use strict";
272 changes: 272 additions & 0 deletions dist/esm/index.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
"use strict";

function _typeof(o) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; return _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (o) { return typeof o; } : function (o) { return o && "function" == typeof Symbol && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o; }, _typeof(o); }
function ownKeys(e, r) { var t = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r && (o = o.filter(function (r) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r).enumerable; })), t.push.apply(t, o); } return t; }
function _objectSpread(e) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {}; r % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (r) { _defineProperty(e, r, t[r]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : ownKeys(Object(t)).forEach(function (r) { Object.defineProperty(e, r, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r)); }); } return e; }
function _defineProperty(e, r, t) { return (r = _toPropertyKey(r)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, r, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[r] = t, e; }
function _toPropertyKey(t) { var i = _toPrimitive(t, "string"); return "symbol" == _typeof(i) ? i : i + ""; }
function _toPrimitive(t, r) { if ("object" != _typeof(t) || !t) return t; var e = t[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== e) { var i =, r || "default"); if ("object" != _typeof(i)) return i; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return ("string" === r ? String : Number)(t); }
function _slicedToArray(r, e) { return _arrayWithHoles(r) || _iterableToArrayLimit(r, e) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(r, e) || _nonIterableRest(); }
function _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); }
function _unsupportedIterableToArray(r, a) { if (r) { if ("string" == typeof r) return _arrayLikeToArray(r, a); var t = {}, -1); return "Object" === t && r.constructor && (t =, "Map" === t || "Set" === t ? Array.from(r) : "Arguments" === t || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t) ? _arrayLikeToArray(r, a) : void 0; } }
function _arrayLikeToArray(r, a) { (null == a || a > r.length) && (a = r.length); for (var e = 0, n = Array(a); e < a; e++) n[e] = r[e]; return n; }
function _iterableToArrayLimit(r, l) { var t = null == r ? null : "undefined" != typeof Symbol && r[Symbol.iterator] || r["@@iterator"]; if (null != t) { var e, n, i, u, a = [], f = !0, o = !1; try { if (i = (t =, 0 === l) { if (Object(t) !== t) return; f = !1; } else for (; !(f = (e = && (a.push(e.value), a.length !== l); f = !0); } catch (r) { o = !0, n = r; } finally { try { if (!f && null != t["return"] && (u = t["return"](), Object(u) !== u)) return; } finally { if (o) throw n; } } return a; } }
function _arrayWithHoles(r) { if (Array.isArray(r)) return r; }
var bibleData = require("./data/bible.json");
var abbreviations = require("./utils/abbreviations");
var _require = require("./utils/validation"),
isValidBook = _require.isValidBook,
isValidChapter = _require.isValidChapter,
isValidVerse = _require.isValidVerse;

* Retrieves a specific verse from the Bible data based on the provided book name, chapter number, and verse number.
* @param {string} bookName - The name of the book containing the verse.
* @param {number} chapterNumber - The number of the chapter containing the verse.
* @param {number} verseNumber - The number of the verse to retrieve.
* @param {string} [outputType="default"] - The type of output format desired (indexed or string).
* @return {Array|string} The content of the requested verse based on the output type.
function getVerse(bookName, chapterNumber, verseNumber) {
var outputType = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : "default";
if (!isValidVerse(bookName, chapterNumber, verseNumber)) {
throw new Error('Invalid verse reference');
var content = bibleData[bookName][chapterNumber][verseNumber - 1];
if (outputType === "indexed") {
return [{
key: "".concat(bookName, " ").concat(chapterNumber, ":").concat(verseNumber),
book: bookName,
chapter: chapterNumber.toString(),
verse: verseNumber.toString(),
content: content
} else if (outputType === "string") {
return "".concat(bookName, " ").concat(chapterNumber, ":").concat(verseNumber, " - ").concat(content);
} else {
return [content];

* Retrieves information about a chapter from the Bible data.
* @param {string} bookName - The name of the book containing the chapter.
* @param {number} chapterNumber - The number of the chapter to retrieve.
* @param {string} [outputType="default"] - The type of output format desired (indexed or string).
* @return {Array|String} The information about the chapter based on the output type.
function getChapter(bookName, chapterNumber) {
var outputType = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : "default";
if (!isValidChapter(bookName, chapterNumber)) {
throw new Error('Invalid chapter reference');
var verses = bibleData[bookName][chapterNumber];
if (outputType === "indexed") {
return (content, index) {
return {
key: "".concat(bookName, " ").concat(chapterNumber, ":").concat(index + 1),
book: bookName,
chapter: chapterNumber.toString(),
verse: (index + 1).toString(),
content: content
} else if (outputType === "string") {
return (content, index) {
return "".concat(bookName, " ").concat(chapterNumber, ":").concat(index + 1, " - ").concat(content);
} else {
return verses;

* Retrieves information about a book from the Bible data.
* @param {string} bookName - The name of the book to retrieve.
* @param {string} [outputType="default"] - The type of output format desired (indexed or string).
* @return {Array|String|Object} The information about the book based on the output type.
function getBook(bookName) {
var outputType = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : "default";
if (!isValidBook(bookName)) {
throw new Error('Invalid book name');
var chapters = bibleData[bookName];
if (outputType === "indexed") {
return Object.entries(chapters).flatMap(function (_ref) {
var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
chapterNumber = _ref2[0],
verses = _ref2[1];
return (content, index) {
return {
key: "".concat(bookName, " ").concat(chapterNumber, ":").concat(index + 1),
book: bookName,
chapter: chapterNumber,
verse: (index + 1).toString(),
content: content
} else if (outputType === "string") {
return Object.entries(chapters).map(function (_ref3) {
var _ref4 = _slicedToArray(_ref3, 2),
chapterNumber = _ref4[0],
verses = _ref4[1];
return (content, index) {
return "".concat(bookName, " ").concat(chapterNumber, ":").concat(index + 1, " - ").concat(content);
} else {
return chapters;

* Retrieves the number of chapters in a specific book of the Bible.
* @param {string} bookName - The name of the book.
* @throws {Error} Throws an error if the book name is invalid.
* @return {number} The number of chapters in the specified book.
function getChapterCount(bookName) {
if (!isValidBook(bookName)) {
throw new Error('Invalid book name');
return Object.keys(bibleData[bookName]).length;

* Retrieves the number of verses in a specific chapter of a book in the Bible.
* @param {string} bookName - The name of the book.
* @param {number} chapterNumber - The number of the chapter.
* @throws {Error} Throws an error if the chapter reference is invalid.
* @return {number} The number of verses in the specified chapter.
function getVerseCount(bookName, chapterNumber) {
if (!isValidChapter(bookName, chapterNumber)) {
throw new Error('Invalid chapter reference');
return bibleData[bookName][chapterNumber].length;

* Retrieves the list of Bible books.
* @return {Array} An array containing the names of all the Bible books.
function getBibleBooks() {
return Object.keys(bibleData);

* Retrieves a range of verses from the Bible based on the provided start and end references.
* @param {string} startBookName - The name of the starting book.
* @param {number} startChapterNumber - The number of the starting chapter.
* @param {number} startVerseNumber - The number of the starting verse.
* @param {string} endBookName - The name of the ending book.
* @param {number} endChapterNumber - The number of the ending chapter.
* @param {number} endVerseNumber - The number of the ending verse.
* @param {string} [outputType="default"] - The type of output. Can be "indexed", "string", or "default".
* @throws {Error} Throws an error if the verse reference is invalid.
* @return {Array|string} Returns an array of verses or a string of verses depending on the outputType.
function getRange(startBookName, startChapterNumber, startVerseNumber, endBookName, endChapterNumber, endVerseNumber) {
var outputType = arguments.length > 6 && arguments[6] !== undefined ? arguments[6] : "default";
if (!isValidVerse(startBookName, startChapterNumber, startVerseNumber) || !isValidVerse(endBookName, endChapterNumber, endVerseNumber)) {
throw new Error('Invalid verse reference');
var verses = [];

// Get the index of the start and end books
var startBookIndex = getBibleBooks().indexOf(startBookName);
var endBookIndex = getBibleBooks().indexOf(endBookName);

// Iterate through the books
for (var bookIndex = startBookIndex; bookIndex <= endBookIndex; bookIndex++) {
var bookName = getBibleBooks()[bookIndex];
var startChapter = bookIndex === startBookIndex ? startChapterNumber : 1;
var endChapter = bookIndex === endBookIndex ? endChapterNumber : getChapterCount(bookName);

// Iterate through the chapters
for (var chapterNumber = startChapter; chapterNumber <= endChapter; chapterNumber++) {
var startVerse = bookIndex === startBookIndex && chapterNumber === startChapterNumber ? startVerseNumber : 1;
var endVerse = bookIndex === endBookIndex && chapterNumber === endChapterNumber ? endVerseNumber : getVerseCount(bookName, chapterNumber);

// Iterate through the verses
for (var verseNumber = startVerse; verseNumber <= endVerse; verseNumber++) {
var content = getVerse(bookName, chapterNumber, verseNumber)[0];
if (outputType === "indexed") {
key: "".concat(bookName, " ").concat(chapterNumber, ":").concat(verseNumber),
book: bookName,
chapter: chapterNumber.toString(),
verse: verseNumber.toString(),
content: content
} else if (outputType === "string") {
verses.push("".concat(bookName, " ").concat(chapterNumber, ":").concat(verseNumber, " - ").concat(content));
} else {
if (outputType === "string") {
return verses.join("\n");
} else {
return verses;

* Resolves an abbreviation to its full name.
* @param {string} abbreviation - The abbreviation to resolve.
* @return {string} The full name corresponding to the abbreviation.
function resolveAbbreviation(abbreviation) {
return abbreviations[abbreviation] || abbreviation;
function bibleStats() {
return {
books: Object.keys(bibleData).length,
chapters: Object.values(bibleData).reduce(function (sum, book) {
return sum + Object.keys(book).length;
}, 0),
verses: Object.values(bibleData).reduce(function (sum, book) {
return sum + Object.values(book).reduce(function (sum, chapter) {
return sum + chapter.length;
}, 0);
}, 0)

* Returns an object containing the three validation functions: `isValidBook`, `isValidChapter`, and `isValidVerse`.
* @return {Object} An object with the validation functions as properties.
function validators() {
return {
isValidBook: isValidBook,
isValidChapter: isValidChapter,
isValidVerse: isValidVerse
module.exports = {
getVerse: getVerse,
getChapter: getChapter,
getBook: getBook,
getRange: getRange,
getChapterCount: getChapterCount,
getVerseCount: getVerseCount,
getBibleBooks: getBibleBooks,
resolveAbbreviation: resolveAbbreviation,
bibleStats: bibleStats,
bibleValidation: _objectSpread({}, validators())
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions dist/esm/utils/abbreviations.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
"use strict";

var abbreviations = {
'Gen': 'Genesis',
'Ex': 'Exodus',
'Lev': 'Leviticus',
'Num': 'Numbers',
'Deu': 'Deuteronomy',
'Jos': 'Joshua',
'Jdg': 'Judges',
'Rut': 'Ruth',
'1Sa': '1 Samuel',
'2Sa': '2 Samuel',
'1Ki': '1 Kings',
'2Ki': '2 Kings',
'1Ch': '1 Chronicles',
'2Ch': '2 Chronicles',
'Ezr': 'Ezra',
'Neh': 'Nehemiah',
'Est': 'Esther',
'Job': 'Job',
'Psa': 'Psalms',
'Pro': 'Proverbs',
'Ecc': 'Ecclesiastes',
'Sng': 'Song of Solomon',
'Isa': 'Isaiah',
'Jer': 'Jeremiah',
'Lam': 'Lamentations',
'Eze': 'Ezekiel',
'Dan': 'Daniel',
'Hos': 'Hosea',
'Joe': 'Joel',
'Amo': 'Amos',
'Oba': 'Obadiah',
'Jnh': 'Jonah',
'Mic': 'Micah',
'Nah': 'Nahum',
'Hab': 'Habakkuk',
'Zeph': 'Zephaniah',
'Hag': 'Haggai',
'Zech': 'Zechariah',
'Mal': 'Malachi',
'Matt': 'Matthew',
'Mark': 'Mark',
'Luk': 'Luke',
'Jhn': 'John',
'Act': 'Acts',
'Rom': 'Romans',
'1Co': '1 Corinthians',
'2Co': '2 Corinthians',
'Gal': 'Galatians',
'Eph': 'Ephesians',
'Phil': 'Philippians',
'Col': 'Colossians',
'1Th': '1 Thessalonians',
'2Th': '2 Thessalonians',
'1Ti': '1 Timothy',
'2Ti': '2 Timothy',
'Tit': 'Titus',
'Phm': 'Philemon',
'Heb': 'Hebrews',
'Jam': 'James',
'1Pe': '1 Peter',
'2Pe': '2 Peter',
'1Jn': '1 John',
'2Jn': '2 John',
'3Jn': '3 John',
'Jude': 'Jude',
'Rev': 'Revelation'
module.exports = abbreviations;

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