A Simple tool to generate Keychain based on the input GUID and AES.
-- When none of the Bots or Sources you get your keychain from are updated, use this utility to generate your own keychain for the recently decrypted pak.
-- Generate Keychain based on the given GUID and AES Key. -- Fetch Available Keychains from Nitestats API. -- Add the generated Keychain to the result. -- Send to Pastebin.
Go to https://pastebin.com/doc_api and register an account. You need the developer key to save the keychain file on pastebin. Once you get the Pastebin Developer Key Add it to line 103 in Form1.vb
Dim pasteRequest As New NameValueCollection
pasteRequest.Add("api_dev_key", "") 'Simply login to Pastebin and go to https://pastebin.com/doc_api#1