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Releases: TheKye/EM-Framework


07 Jan 04:17
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Adjusted Chatbase for eco 10
Fixed Autodoor interactions for eco 10
Fixed Passive Crafting Component for eco 10
Fixed Recipe Model to allow for changeable recipe names
Fixed EM Door Class for eco 10
Fixed Informatics for eco 10
Adjusted housing resolver for eco 10
Fixed Item Weight and stack size resolver for eco 10
Json Recipe Exporter fixed for eco 10
Fixed Shop Utils for eco 10
Fixed World Utils for Eco 10
Fixed XML Recipe Exported for eco 10
Fixed Recipe Resolver Duplicating Recipes
Organized Resolver Files to Display from a-z
Fixed Issues with linux servers and writing files

Version 3.3.2

05 Oct 03:58
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EM Framework Updated: Version 3.3.2

Updating shouldn't break any mods! if it does LMK

This update will fix a bunch of issues people have been having such as issues with Running EM Framework on servers with a different language setting!

Bug Fixes:
Fixed GetBaseType Returns for NPhysicsWorldObject
Fixed Groups File Validation Not working as intended
Fixed an issue for servers that use the EM Framework on a different Language not booting due to missing LocalizedStringsFile
Fixed an Issue where the FileManager wouldn't write the file properly for custom extensions
Fixed Logging Utils Errors not writing as a new line on the console
Fixed an issue where the Logging utils where not detecting the correct assembly when calling the logger
Fixed an issue with various checkers within logic, falsely returning that user exists in the the target group, if there is a different user with no SlgId or SteamId.
Fixed an issue where Items that where not for sale where being marked as for sale in the get-prices endpoint
Changed the Ecopedia Generator to write using an XML Writer instead of Streamwriter for more accurate XML Generation
Changed EcoPedia Default Category to ModDocumentation for mods to prevent conflicts

Added automatic cleanup of old files in mods registering Ecopedia Pages so the pages can update
Adds BackgroundTask class to handle timer based background events.
Added New Extension Method for Eco.Gameplay.Items.Inventory: Item FindInInventory(ItemToFind) which will return the item
Added New Extension Method for Eco.Gameplay.Items.Item: bool ItemsEqual(ItemToCheck) which will return true or false if the items match
Moved Colored Text to Eco.EM.Framework.Text
Added Object ID for shops on get-prices endpoint
Added string extentsions to Colored Text
Added Obsolete to old Colored Text to prevent immediate mod breakage



Version 3.3.1

18 Sep 11:51
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EM Configure:

  • Added an option to only increase Carried Items Max Stacksize - CarriedItemsOverride and CarriedItemsAmount

Ecopedia File Generator for mods - Handles the file generation and clearing of ecopedia files for mods to include info about their mods and how to use them in the ecopedia - can pass an ecopedia ready file or have the generator build the file for you
New Category for mods to go under called: Mods


  • added GetUserFromClient() (Accepts IChatClient returns User)
  • added GetPlayerFromClient() (Accepts IChatClient returns Player)

Web API's
Get Requests:

  • GET http://{address}:{webserverport}/elixr-mods/framework/api/v1/get-recipes : Will get list of recipes in that server
  • GET http://{address}:{webserverport}/elixr-mods/framework/api/v1/api-check : just a basic check to see if you can access the api
  • GET http://{address}:{webserverport}/elixr-mods/framework/api/v1/get-prices : Returns a list of every item for sale, how much its for sale for, what currency, what store, who owns the store...
  • GET http://{address}:{webserverport}/elixr-mods/framework/api/v1/get-prices?includeOutOfStock=true/false : does the same thing but includes out of stock items

Item Extensions:

  • Added new Item Class: ConsumptionItem - Used for items that should have durability that can be modified but not be repairable


Logging Utils:

  • Fixed an issue when more then 1 mod tries to use the logging utils and they merge as one mess.
  • Each Logger now will need to be Registered using the RegisterLogger Method to register their logger and Folder in the Logs Folder which will write the appropriate logs too Then they can call: LoggingUtils.Logger.x and it will use the correct logger for the calling assembly
  • Changed LoggingUtils.LogTypeSelect to support the new system as it will automatically call the correct logger required for the mod
  • Added Important Flag to LogTypeSelect which will post to both the mods logger file and the Eco Log File - Should only be used if the error is critical for Best Practice sake

Groups System:
Fixed an issue that would prevent the server from booting where the groups file would be corrupted on server crash
Added backup file for the groups system so it can try to load from a backup for those using the permissions system and not having to set it up again incase of main file corruption