This bot is an opensource project to help players feed their fish automatically.
Please, if you like this project, collaborate with its development by donating any amount in BNB to 0x2E0A2B4764d041aF3510Baa0a2720e6814410642
Or buy some Eggs in game using my discount code: MasterRoot
You need to use Python3 3.6 or greater and package manager pip to install dependencies. If your on windows download the instalation pack from Python Website Download
Required dependencies
pip install opencv-python
pip install pyautogui
You need to put all your fishes inside the screen. Since the bot is in initial development process it will not scroll the scren. Open a terminal or promt in windows go to the folder of project and type:
Very important: Dont start cmd over the screen you must to make all your fishes visible on start. The bot will feed your fishes once if they are hungry and it will stop.
Example in video: VIDEO LINK HERE
If you have problems starting there are 2 types of errors: -Missing library -Code error
Just run
pip install missinglibname
Report here in github: Open Support Ticket
As well if you cannot solve Missing libary problen you can open a ticket to.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
For the time being I will not create any discord, whatsapp or telegram groups. Stay tuned my software is opensource and doesn't ask for passwords or wallet connections
I'm working on other simple bots for other games and also on a BNB payment gateway. This is already in beta testing and can be tested at
This site asks to connect with metamask but only to generate the payment button. If you want to donate, 0.005 BNB will be charged and on the next status screen it will show whether payment was made or not