Discord bot that automaticly download WIP map from your discord server
- Installation:
Download latest realise from https://github.com/TheRedKorsar/autoUploadWIP_dsBOT/releases
Extract files from zip to any folder you want;
Open config.json;
token: is the token of bot in discord;
max_size: is the maximum size of the map in megabytes that allowed to drop;
wip_folder: destination of your WIP folder with double dashes, and also double dash at the end required;
wip_channel: name of the channel, where mappers will throw maps;
sound_volume: 1-100 volume of sound to play 0 to mute;
After config file is set up, you have to check if your discord bot is on the server;
Also bot checking all channels on all servers where bot is with name that you placed in "wip_channel";
After all set up you can run discord_bot.exe;
mplayer.exe - tool to play sound (that not needed if sound_volume is 0).
- Usage:
To use that bot mappers simply has to upload zip file with the map to your wip_channel;
After bot end downloading it will throw a reply to mapper, that map was downloaded;
If you have sound_volume greater than 0 so you get sound notification;
If not, mapper has to told you that map is downloaded;
After that you have to reload songs with any method (R on game screen or refresh songs button mod).