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Every day I spend one hour reading or watching SwiftUI tutorials, or writing SwiftUI code.
Every day I post about my progress to this GitHub page.
It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t charge ahead thinking you’re “learning faster”, because there’s a high chance you’ll get lost. Take your time!
Don’t fall prey to shiny object syndrome. The lure of spending $100 on another course is high, I know, but you don’t learn anything by buying books.
Your best chance of success is sticking with the 100 days and really make it work, so if you’re already thinking “I can do this course at the same time as Other SwiftUI Course” you’re just setting yourself up to fail.
Don’t lone wolf it. You aren’t learning by yourself.
Use the consolidation days. These are spaced throughout the 100 days to give you time to review what you’ve learned and make it really sink in.
Use them to go back over days you weren’t sure about, complete any homework you missed, or just do some free coding.
I have a glossary of common Swift terms that you should bookmark for easy reference.
If you get stuck with some SwiftUI code, you should refer to my free online book SwiftUI by Example – it has over 600 pages of sample code and solutions for SwiftUI.
Download my Unwrap app from the App Store. It works on iPhone and iPad, contains alternative tutorials for the initial part of this course, and is free with no in-app purchases.
I’ve tried to make sure it takes less than one hour to complete each day, but there is a little natural variation. For example, day 4 is a little shorter because it has less ground to cover, and day 13 is a little longer because it has a few complex topics inside.
Day 0 - tips and advice before you start
Day 1 - variables, constants, strings, and numbers
Day 2 - Booleans, string interpolation, and checkpoint 1
Day 3 – Arrays, dictionaries, sets, and enums