This application gives a simple interface for a list of quizes. Quizes are a list of text based questions and answers. It is built using Yeoman, patterned after the angular-phonecat with the help from Quiz-on-AngularJS. I have incorporated much of their explanatory documentation and comments as this is the first Angular application published by TheWebShop.
- Yeoman home.
- Breakpoint introduction to Yeoman.
- Bower home.
- The application filesystem layout structure is based on the Yeoman angular seed.
- There is no backend (no server) for this application. Instead we fake the XHRs by fetching static json files.
app/ --> all of the files to be used in production
styles/ --> css and scss files
main.scss --> default sass stylesheet
main.css --> compiled output of default sass stylesheet
index.html --> app layout file (the main html template file of the app)
scripts/ --> javascript files
app.js --> application
services.js --> custom angular services
controllers/ --> application controllers
quizListCtr.js --> quiz list controller
quizCtr.js --> quiz controller
resultCtrl.js --> results controller
views/ --> angular view partials (partial html templates)
quiz.html --> quiz view
quiz-list.html --> quiz list view
quiz-result --> quiz result view
components/ --> bower installed components
angular.js --> the latest angular js
angular-resource.js --> for dealing with RESTful server-side data sources
moment.js --> makes dealing with dates a breeze
For more information on AngularJS please check out