General infoOur app will be a clone of OfferUp and is a project for our AD320 class.
- Buyers can browse items with one-line descriptions and images
- Buyers can look at item details
- Buyers can send a message to the seller
- Buyers can receive messages from the seller
- Sellers can post items with descriptions, images, prices and locations
- Sellers can receive messages from Buyers
- Sellers can send messages to Buyers
- Sellers can see their item postings
- Sellers can mark items as sold
- Admins can view items
- Admins can view seller and user details
- Admins can message users and sellers
- Admins can add, delete, and edit items
- Admins can edit and lock user and seller profiles
Using npm:
npm i
Our App using Auth0 API, Google Maps API, Geocoding API.
Our App use React and Axios Javascript libraries. We also use Express and Bootstrap framework, and MongoDB to store the data.
First, go to the service folder run npm start
Then, go to the client folder run npm start
New users must sigh up first, otherwise can't use sell function. once users login, they can use the sell button on the navigation bar to sell product. Users can upload maximum 3 images to describe their products. Users can input zip code of their product, and Google Map will display the location on the view product page. Users can update their information in the profile page. Users can mark products sold out.