Automatisation Blueprints for Home Assistant
Here do you find my Automatisation Blueprints for Home Assistant
To get them to work you will need:
- Home Assistant with mqtt
- Ulanzi Pixel Clock flashed with AWTRIX firmware
- Icons for Charging/ discharging
Changes text color and icon depending on charing level of the battery
Changes needed in Batterie_loading_Awtrix :
- find and replace: awtrix_a8f0d0 with your Pixelclock Name
(not needed if you use Victron GX modbusTCP integration )
- find and replace: sensor.victron_battery_soc with your batterie sensor
- find and replace: sensor.victron_system_battery_state with your batterie sensor status
- find and replace: sensor.victron_settings_ess_batterylife_soclimit wiht your soc limt sensor