For additional information, please see the TheoremReach Android SDK Integration.
Create an app and grab your API Token.
Add the following to the repositories closure of the app's module build.gradle
repositories {
Next, add the following to the dependencies closure
dependencies {
implementation 'com.theoremreach:theoremreach:x.x.x'
implementation ''
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.4.2'
And sync the gradle project files
Download the latest version of the TheoremReach Android SDK and drop theoremreach.x.x.x.aar to the lib folder. Ensure that Google Plays Ads are enabled in your app.
TheoremReach iOS SDK Integration TheoremReach Unity SDK Integration TheoremReach Javascript Web SDK Integration
Added Android Photo Picker for image upload
Upgraded gradle to 7.0.4 with distribution URL (Note: This is the minimum Gradle Version Needed, Recommended Version is 8.0.2 with distribution URL )
Updated packages which are compatible with updated gradle version.
Two new dependencies are added:
implementation "androidx.activity:activity:1.9.3" implementation(platform("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-bom:1.8.0"))
- image upload support
- Update bottom bar color
- Updated version tracking and default colors
- Better third party login support
- Fix issue with redirecting to offers
- Added getIsSurveyAvailable
- Better mobile network support and removing READ_PHONE_STATE permission requirement
- Remove allowBackup flag
- Remove 'READ_PHONE_STATE' permission requirement
- Fixed Android 5 crash
- Removed Google Ads requirement
- Added
showUnityRewardCenter(string placementId);
to support the unity SDK better
- Adding placements for additional flexibility