DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3970145
To plot, provide one of the following figure keys (str) as -f argument: fig1d, fig2a, fig2b, fig2c, fig2d, fig2e, fig3, fig4, figS1, figS2, figS3, figS4, figS5
To generate new figure-data, use the production keys (str) as -p arguments: fig1d, fig2_dim, fig2_beta, fig2_dim_pf, fig2_beta_pf, fig2_eta, fig2d, fig2e, fig3, fig4, figS4, figS5
python -f fig1d -p fig1d
The plot is saved as ./figures/fig1d.pdf The data (a pandas data frame) is stored as ./pkl_data/fig1d/fig1d.pkl
This file contains 2 simulation environments, one for the biological &
one for the performance oriented simulations. Parameters are set in
three layers. Lower layers have priority.
1. default parameters apply to all simulations
2. simulation type parameters apply either to bio- or performance sims
3. for each figure, specpfic parameters can be selected
Plotting parameters (labels, line color ect) must be tuned directly in
the function "plt_manuscript_figures" in the file "./util/"