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This program has been superseded by Web-GME-Player.


Play a single NSF/NSFe file track in the browser and loop infinitely. (Currently, the app relies on NSFe's length property to work)

Please look at the webpage in the docs folder to learn how to use nsfplayer-wasm.

The audio worklet functionality is non-functional. It is part of this repository in case anyone wants to make a pull request.

How to build

Download the source of game-music-emu from its bitbucket repository. Follow the wiki steps to compile, but use emscripten tools. Use this command for cmake: emcmake cmake ../ -DUSE_GME_AY=0 -DUSE_GME_GBS=0 -DUSE_GME_GYM=0 -DUSE_GME_HES=0 -DUSE_GME_KSS=0 -DUSE_GME_SAP=0 -DUSE_GME_SPC=0 -DUSE_GME_VGM=0 -DENABLE_UBSAN=OFF -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF

If you get errors like "gme_ay_type undefined, gme_gbs_type undefined...", you have to either edit blargg_config.h or the type_list function in gme.cpp.

Then, build the wasm and js with emcc -O0 -I./game-music-emu/gme ./game-music-emu/build/gme/libgme.a main.c -o nsfplayer-mono-stereo.js -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=ccall,cwrap,getValue

Audio Worklet

Build the audio worklet module with emcc -O3 -I./game-music-emu/gme ./game-music-emu/build/gme/libgme.a main.c -o nsfplayer-audio-worklet-mono.js -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=ccall,cwrap,getValue -s WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION=0 -s SINGLE_FILE --post-js nsfplayer-audio-worklet-main.js