Releases: TiLied/CSharpToJavaScript
Releases · TiLied/CSharpToJavaScript
- Better output to the console.
- Better formatting for logging.
- Back to trace.
- Ignore readonly/required keywords.
- C# enums -> JS const objects.
- Added modulus/percent token.
- C# .? -> JS .?
- C# ?? -> JS ??
- Lambda "()=>..." in arguments.
- Variable declaration with comma.
- C# Console.Write -> JS console.log
- C# List.FindLast -> JS Array.findLast
- C# string.Length -> JS string.length
- C# Math.Sqrt -> JS Math.sqrt
- Added option "KeepBraceOnTheSameLine" default false.
- Added option "NormalizeWhitespace" default false.
- "NormalizeWhitespace" applies before "KeepBraceOnTheSameLine".
- Updated "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp" to 4.9.2.
- c# bitwise and shift operators -> js bitwise and shift operators.
- c# try-catch-finally -> js try-catch-finally.
- c# do...while -> js do...while.
- Updated generated xml docs.
- Updated generated c#.
- Updated generated xml docs with a fixed bug.
- Added ValueAttribute.
- Updated generated c# with ValueAttribute.
- Updated generated c# with missing data.
- Added static to fields.
- Fixed Paranthesis.
- Added Array conversion (new Type[]->new Array()).
- Fixed some formating.
- Small change to "this.".
- Added numeric length support for array.
- Ignore partial keyword for classes.
- Small clean up.
- Updated generated xml docs.
- Updated generated csharp.
- Ignore attributes while generating js.
- ValueAttribute is now public.
Full Changelog: 0.0.06...0.0.07
- Added "LessThanEqualsToken".
- Small changes to comments/code.
- Added Number object.
- Further improvement to this.
- Small clean-up.
- .Net 8
- Updated generated csharp code(Many missing webapi from w3c).
- Added method "GenerateOne" returns list of StringBuilders.
- Added method "GenerateOneFromStringAsync" writes a file, return empty Task.
- Added "System.Console" and "CSharpToJavaScript" references as default.
- c# const -> js const.
- c# static constructor -> js static constructor.
- private js fields for c# auto-implemented properties.
- c# static -> js static
- Better "this.".
- Small changes and fixes.
- Small changes to static and "this".
- Updated Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp to 4.8.0
- Updated generated csharp and xml docs.
- Added "Properties of the Global Object" into "GlobalThis".
Full Changelog: 0.0.05...0.0.06
!Breaking Change!
This update is mostly for CLI, Blazor WebAssembly and Extensions.
- Changed "GenerateOneFromStringAsync" to "GenerateOneFromString".
- Deleted creation of debug.txt when Debug is enabled. Console output is enough.
- Added default references to the compilation.
- Added option "DisableConsoleOutput".
- Added detection for get only, auto implemented properties.
- Improved formatting and detection of the auto implemented properties.
- Small fixes.
Full Changelog: 0.0.04...0.0.05
!Breaking Change!
This update is mostly for CLI and Blazor WebAssembly.
- Deleted method "GenerateManyAsync". Use "GenerateOneAsync" method, that accept folder path now.
- Changed default to "filename" in "GenerateOneAsync". Now default is the name of input cs file with ".js".
- Added option to disable console colors.
- Added method "GenerateOneFromString", that accept a cs string and not a path to file. Returns StringBuilder.
- Fixed a bug where lib crashes without error when passing a file outside a solution.
- Small fixes.
Full Changelog: 0.0.03...0.0.04
!Breaking changes!
- Passing assembly as an argument, no longer required!
- Renamed "GenerateAsync" to "GenerateOneAsync".
- Deleted option "OutPutFileName", now you need to pass as an argument in "GenerateOneAsync", default is still the same: "main.js".
- Added "GenerateManyAsync".
- Added few expressions.
- Further improvement to "this".
- Colorful output to console.
- Added static keyword for methods and properties.
- Other improvements.
- Fixed bugs.
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp updated.
- Updated generated csharp.
- Updated xml docs.
Full Changelog: 0.0.02...0.0.03
Breaking changes!
"GlobalThis" now in "GlobalObject".
Renamed method from "Generate2Async" to "GenerateAsync".
- Updated generated csharp and xml documents.
- Added more comments to code,
- Initial support for built-it types/generics.
- Many missing tokens.
- Support for
loop. foreach
.- Bug fixes.
Full Changelog: 0.0.01...0.0.02
First Release of nuget package!
Full Changelog: