AnvilPanel - Custom Command Menu With Param中文Wiki
AnvilPanel is an Minecraft plugin designed to allow server owners to create customizable, parameterized command panel with anvil interfaces. The plugin configures everything within GUI, and no need to edit config files.
- Anvil Interface: All plugin operations are done through the anvil interface. No need for any complex configuration. Everything can be managed with a simple GUI.
- Customizable Command Panel: Server owners can create their own command panel with parameters.
- GUI-based Operations: All operations can be done through a GUI. No need for any file handling or console commands.
- Compatibility: Commands, whether they require arguments or not, can be conveniently configured with this plugin.
- Permission Management: With the GUI, it's very easy to toggle on/off or configure permission groups.
- /ap use [panel] - Use a pre-configured command panel
- /apadmin list - List all command panels
- /apadmin create - Create a command panel
- /apadmin group - group management
All you need is create command, and list GUI will provide all configurable setting.
- [p] - The player name, which use the pnael.
- [t] - Params placeholder.
- ; - Command spliter. AnvilPanel is able to execute multiple command.
- op: - If you want to execute a command execute by console, start with this.
- anvilpanel.use - Player need this permission node to use anvilpanel
- If you are using Groupmanager, try /mangaddp builder anvilpanel.use or /mangaddp default anvilpanel.use
- If you are using luckperm, try /lp editor
- lang: Set language manually.
- GUI entrance to all function [-]
- Custom sign for each panel [-]
- Custom user authority for single panel [-]
- Custom menus setting with GUI [-]
- MIT lisence
- If you have any suggestion, complain or recommend function, don't be hesitated and contact me via GitHub or spigot.
- Github:
- Email: [email protected]