poker advisor
Used by ElasticSearch. Generated by PokerEval
Set up to run via docker. Check poker-eval. A flask app is in the interface on port 5000.
elasticsearch_dsl: adapter to elasticsearch
treelib: managing MC search state in tree
pillow: screen scraping and image
sortedcontainers: keep dictionaries and lists sorted for use in rankings, etc
click: CLI parser
retry: retry on exception
pokereval: adapter to run
requests: for requests to docker container poker-eval
pytesseract: for sending ocr requests to tesseract
ruamel.yaml: for reading yaml files, might need to change to json or just plain python dicts constants
Create windows image. Devices => Install Guest Additions.
Install via homebrew. Used to identify values and names on sites. Identify the font at Identifont
and train the data file at Then move the file to the tesseract folder:
$ cp scraper/sites/coinpoker/museosans.traineddata /usr/local/share/tessdata
Run tesseract --list-langs
to get lang name to pass in with command.
Required for text rotation and image template matching.
Crop templates from grayscale window.png image. But for mse the images are required to be copied from the parsed debug img to the img folder. But should still have a source, e.g. the board cards The cutots should be as small as possible with it clipping the edges, to prevent the matches shifting