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Table of Contents

1. Install

$ npm install --save-dev

2. Create a gulpfile.js at the root of your project

2.1 Using default options

var gulp = require('mrs-app-gulp')( require('gulp') ).init();

2.2 Using custom options

var _gulp = require('gulp'),
    mrsGulp = require(mrs-app-gulp),
    paths = mrsGulp.paths,
    replacements = new mrsGulp.PatternsContainer();

replacements.add( '$env', process.env.NODE_ENV );

], replacements );
paths.add( 'assets/$env', replacements );

      paths: paths,
      replacements: replacements.patterns

3. Tasks

One of the main purposes of this project was to decouple some of the most commonly used tasks across all your different projects by providing a simple way to load tasks from js files and pass the configuration for the task behaviour like you would do with Grunt.

3.1 Configuring Tasks

var options = {
    tasks: {
        'build': {
            /* run in parallel */
            dependencies: [ 'build:js', 'build:img' ],  
            /* run in sequence */
            runSequence: [ 'build:clean' ]
        'build:img': {
            watch: true,
            src: './src/img/**/*.{png,gif,jpg}',
            dest: './dist/img/',
            minify: true
        'build:js': {
            watch: true,
            src: './src/js/**/*.js',
            dest: './dist/js/',
            minify: true
        'build:clean': {
            src: [ '**/Thumbs.db', '**/.DS_Store'],
            srcOptions: {
                cwd: './dist/',
                read: false


3.1 Default Tasks

A set of commonly used tasks are at your disposal.

Task Name Behaviour Description
default Runs clean and build tasks in sequence.
clean Delete content from fs.
install Run bower install command.
install:git-check Verify if git command is present.
build Task coordinator.
build:clean Delete content from fs.
build:config Task coordinator.
build:config:app Extend and replace content of json config files.
build:config:cordova Replace content of cordova config files.
build:i18n Extend and replace content of json i18n files.
build:resources Minify image files.
build:lib Copy files.
build:style Compile SASS and minify css.
build:img Minify image files.
build:templates Copy and replaces content of template files.
build:templates:cache Creates a cache file of angular templates.
build:js Minify, replaces and flattens content of js files by directory.
build:index-files Injects js and css files in html.


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