Try it out here:
Do once:
You need to specifically install npm with the version: v14.17.6
Download from here (scroll down a bit to the downloads):
cd client
npm install
cd client
npm run start
conda create -n lobby python=3.8.
Or manually install the packages with conda install some-package
conda install flask
conda install flask_socketio
conda install colorama
run server as python file
python .\server\
or alterantively run as flask application
Set environmental variables:
Unfortunately, the next few steps have to be done for every new conda session, because conda doesn't preserve the environmental variables.
On Windows with powershell, set a FLASK_APP
variable to the location where
is located. Also set a FLASK_ENV
variable to development:
$env:FLASK_APP =".\server\"
On Windows with cmd:
set FLASK_APP=.\server\
set FLASK_ENV=development
On Linux/Mac with shell:
export FLASK_APP=.\server\
export FLASK_ENV=development
You can check with powershell if the environment variables have been set correctly (powershell): gci env:* | sort-object name
Config Vars
FLASK_APP server\ SECRET_KEY not gonna tell you