I have not yet fully finished this portfolio about me! I am currently working on smaller improvements, such as adding localisation and an overhaul of the projects area, as I feel it is a bit too crammed. Re-works will be done whenever I feel like it, have an astonishing design idea or need to update some important information down the pipe line. For the moment though, enjoy it's current state! π€
As you can probably guess, this project was created to serve as a portfolio for the business side of myself. This always leaves a good impression and comes in very handy during application processes or extending my own network of business connections (sounds a bit pretentious, it be like that though).
This website is built on react and bootstrapped using the create-react-app module. As I was not planning on integrating any sorts of backend operations, I decided not to include one in my project. Future integrations are however not to be discarded.