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FinChat Assignment by Tony Kim


Express.js(Backend) + React.js(Frontend)


Sends a user-input prompt to the backend, processes it via OpenAI and FMP APIs, and displays the summary

Deployment Considerations:

.end setup required, run backend and frontend servers separately


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

📂 Proejct Introduction

The application UI image

This project offers a seamless and interactive chat experience that can answer various financial-related questions with real-time AI responses and data fetching, helping users gain valuable insights into companies' financials and key management comments


  • Backend Integration
    • Use the OpenAI API to generate summaries and responses
    • Use the FMP API to fetch financial data and metrics
  • Frontend Interface
    • Build a basic UI chat interface (preferably with React/Next.js) that allows users to input queries
    • The UI should interact with the backend and display the AI-generated summaries and financial data responses

⏲️ Development Period

  • Feb.13th.2025 ~ Feb.18th.2025

🚀 Tech Stack & Testing Tools


  • Node.js: Backend runtime environment
  • Express.js: Lightweight web framework
  • dotenv: Environment variable management
  • body-parser: Parses JSON and URL-encoded data
  • CORS: Enables cross-origin resource sharing
  • Axios: HTTP client for API requests
  • Jest: JavaScript testing framework
  • nodemon: Development tool for auto-reloading server during changes
  • supertest: Testing library for HTTP assertions


  • React.js: JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • React Icons: Library for adding icons to React components
  • react-scripts: Set of scripts for React development
  • web-vitals: Measures vital performance metrics for web apps
  • Sass (sass): CSS preprocessor for more dynamic and manageable styles
  • Jest: Testing framework for JavaScript
  • @testing-library/react: Library for testing React components
  • @testing-library/jest-dom: Custom matchers for Jest tests with DOM elements
  • @testing-library/user-event: Simulates user events for testing UI interactions

📂 Project Structure


│── node_modules/                   # Installed dependencies
│── src/
│   ├── controllers/                # Business logic for handling requests
│   │   ├── financialControllers.js
│   │   ├── openaiControllers.js
│   ├── routes/                     # Route definitions
│   │   ├── financialRoutes.js
│   │   ├── openaiRoutes.js
│   ├── services/                   # External API interaction & business logic
│   │   ├── fmpService.js           # Handles Financial Modeling Prep API calls
│   │   ├── openaiService.js        # Handles OpenAI API calls
│   ├── app.js                      # Express server configuration
│── tests/                          # Unit tests
│   ├── controllers/
│   │   ├── openaiControllers.test.js
│   ├── services/
│   │   ├── fmpService.test.js
│   │   ├── openaiService.test.js
│── .env                            # Environment variables
│── .gitignore                      # Git ignore file
│── package.json                    # Project dependencies and scripts
│── package-lock.json               # Lock file for dependency versions


│── node_modules/                   # Installed dependencies
│── public/                         # Static assets like index.html, icons, etc.
│── src/
│   ├── components/                 # Reusable UI components
│   │   ├── Footer.js               
│   │   ├── Footer.scss             
│   │   ├── Footer.test.js          
│   ├── pages/prompt                # Pages for the prompt functionality
│   │   ├── input/                  # Components for input functionality
│   │   │  ├── InputPrompt.js       
│   │   │  ├── InputPrompt.scss     
│   │   │  ├── InputPrompt.test.js  
│   │   ├── output/                 # Components for output functionality
│   │   │  ├── OutputPrompt.js      
│   │   │  ├── OutputPrompt.scss    
│   │   │  ├── OutputPrompt.test.js 
│   ├── app.js                      # Main app component
│   ├── app.scss                    # Global styles
│   ├── app.test.js                 # Unit tests for the main app component
│── .env                            # Environment variables (e.g., backend API URL)
│── .gitignore                      # Git ignore file
│── package.json                    # Project dependencies and scripts
│── package-lock.json               # Lock file for dependency versions       

⚙️ Environment Variables (.env)

This project uses .env to manage API keys and configuration. Before starting both backend & frontend, you need to create a .env file with the following format:


PORT= { 5000 }



📌 APIs & External Services

OpenAI API: Generates text summaries and responses using ChatGPT

Financial Modeling Prep API: Fetches and analyzes financial data

🏃Getting started in the local environment


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed: Node.js (Recommended version: v16 or higher) npm (Node package manager, comes with Node.js)

Setting Up

Clone the project repository to your local machine:

git clone


Navigate to the project directory

cd finchatAssignments/backend

Install dependencies

npm install

Run test code

npx jest

Run the local development server

npm run dev

Send test curl request to check backend is running

curl -X POST http://localhost:5010/api/v1/finchat/openai/summarize \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d "{\"content\": \"Summarize Spotify's latest conference call.\"}"

This repository includes a Postman collection for interacting with the FinChat API. The Postman file has been attached; please use it for backend testing.


Navigate to the project directory

cd finchatAssignments/frontend

Install dependencies

npm install

Run the local development server

npm start

Run test code

npm test

Open application on browsers

Mac environment

open http://localhost:3000/contacts

Window environment

start http://localhost:3000/contacts

📌 API Endpoints

POST /api/v1/finchat/openai/summarize

  • Description: Calls the OpenAI API to summarize user input
  • Request Format
   "content": "What is Tesla's expected earnings next quarter?"
  • Response Example
   "answer": "Based on the most recent data available from the financial modeling prep data (fmpData), Tesla's expected earnings for ..."

📑 Project Review


  • The core requirements were met
  • The UI was kept simple and non-complex
  • Non-relevant financial or company-related queries were blocked upfront for faster response times
  • BDD was applied to ensure readability and consistency of test code
  • Different AI models were utilized based on the complexity of the questions to reduce costs when using the ChatGPT API


  • The previous experience of using ChatGPT API for personal projects was very helpful
  • First-time use of the React Icons library to componentize icons like GitHub, LinkedIn, and E-mail
  • Realized the importance of test code beyond just testing purposes, as it can better reflect the nature and objectives of the application
  • Gained more knowledge and experience with the ChatGPT API usage

Additional Areas for Improvement:

  • The project direction was initially unclear, which led to wasting over a day in indecision
  • Couldn’t implement CI/CD due to time constraints. It would have been ideal to at least run Lint checks and test code validation, and possibly Dockerize the project with AWS CD
  • Both React and Express experience were limited, leading to a lack of detail across the code
  • The backend and frontend lacked clear hierarchical structure; better modularization of features could have made future maintenance and modifications easier
  • Discovered a bit late that the answers from ChatGPT API can vary depending on the API settings
  • The response time is slow; if ChatGPT Functions had been used, the frequency of external API calls could have been reduced, improving performance
  • Implementing the streaming answer feature from ChatGPT could enhance the professionalism of the UI
  • There are many additional features I would like to add, such as user registration, recent search history, and data visualization
  • Due to limited experience with writing files, I referred to many external resources, but I wish it had been more user-friendly and intuitive for someone encountering the project for the first time
  • Merged everything directly into the master branch without branching by feature, which was a mistake in terms of version control.

Final Review:

  • I found the topic to be interesting, and the requirements were clearly defined, making the goal very clear. However, I regret spending too much time overthinking the overall direction of the application while trying to structure and think through the more flexible aspects of the project. Once I clarified the direction, I was able to move forward with both the backend and frontend as planned. Although there were some challenges with utilizing ChatGPT, I was able to work around them and still achieve professional-level answers. However, I regret not implementing data visualizations such as graphs and reports, which would have been essential for a project like FinChat. As someone who typically works with Java, I greatly enjoyed the opportunity to gain more experience using React and Express for this assignment. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to FinChat for providing me with this opportunity.


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