Collection of different interpreters to study the concepts of programming languages. Repository is used to prepare for the exam "Concepts of programming languages" at TU Darmstadt.
Package V1: Introduction
- WAEInterp: Interpreter that supports With constructs and Arithmetic Expressions. Showing the difference between eager substitution and lazy substitution.
Package V2: Taxonomy of Functions, Static vs. Dynamic Scoping
- F1WAEImmediateSubstInterp: First-Order interpreter with Arithmetic Expressions and With constructs using eager substitution.
- F1WAEDynamicInterp: First-Order interpreter that introduces the concept of environments and showing its advantage over substitution. The interpreter adapts dynamic scoping.
- F1WAEDynamicInterp: First-Order interpreter using static scoping.
- FWAEImmediateSubstInterp: First-class interpreter with Arithmetic Expressions and With constructs using lazy substitution.
- FWAEDynamicInterp: First-class dynamically scoped interpreter with Arithmetic Expressions and With constructs using environments.
- FWAEStaticInterp: First-class interpreter with Arithmetic Expressions and With constructs using environments. To enforce static scoping closures are introduced as a basic concept.
- DRCFAEInterp: First-class interpreter with algebraic data type support.
Package V3: Recursion
- RCFWAEInterp: First-class statically scoped interpreter with conditionals and recursion.
Package V4: Stateful languages
- SCFWAEInterp: Stateful interpreter with sequencing, values and box stores. To preserve static scoping an additional store is introduced. This concept is called store-passing style. Function application is implemented using call-by-value style.
- RSCFWAEInterp: Stateful interpreter with recursion support.
Package V5: Memory management
- RefCount_SRCFWAEInterp: Stateful interpreter with a reference counting store.
- GC_SRCFWAEInterp: Stateful interpreter with mark and sweep garbage collection.
Package V6: OO Interpreter
- OOInterp: First-order classes interpreter with predefined classes and local variables in method bodies.
- OOWithInheritanceInterp: First-order classes interpreter with additional inheritance support.
Package V7: Continuation-Passing-Style
- KCFWAEInterp: First-class continuations interpreter.
Package V8: Introduction to Haskell
Package V9: Lazy Evaluation
- CFWAEAlmostStrictInterp: Lazy interpreter. The interpreter is strict at function application, arithmetic operations and conditionals. Only identifier lookup is non-strict.
- CFWAELazyCachingInterp: Lazy interpreter with caching capabilities.
Syntactic Interpreters: Uses the interpreting language only for the purpose of representing terms of the interpreted language. These kind of interpreters implement all the corresponding behaviour explicitly e.g RCFWAEInterp for recursion.
Metainterpreter: Uses features of the interpreting language to directly implement behaviour of the interpreted language. This would be the case, if we implement functions with Scala functions.
Metacircular interpreter: A meta interpreter in which the interpreting and interpreted language are the same. If the interpreted and interpreter language match closely, a meta interpreter can be easy to write. However, if they don't match it could be hard e.g Scala is statically scoped and trying to implement dynamic scoping wouldn't be easy.