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Grain Auger

Declarative dataflow language over Orleans streams.


Grain Auger is a declarative dataflow language over Orleans streams. It allows you to define a dataflow graph using a simple DSL and then execute it on an Orleans cluster. The dataflow graph is defined as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) where each node is a grain and each edge is a virtual stream. The language is designed to be simple and expressive, allowing you to define complex dataflows with minimal effort and boilerplate.


Here is an example of a simple word count dataflow defined using Grain Auger:

abstract class WordCountJobConfiguration
    static void Configure(IAugerJobBuilder builder)
        var inputStream = builder.FromStream<string, string>("MemoryStream", "WordCountInput");

        var wordCountStream = inputStream.Process<WordCounter>("wordCounterStream");

WordCounter is a simple class that implements IAsyncObserver<string> and can be tested in isolation:

class WordCounter(IAsyncObserver<int> output, ILogger<WordCounter> logger
    ) : IAsyncObserver<string>
    private int _wordCount = 0;

    public async Task OnNextAsync(string item, StreamSequenceToken? token = null)
        int length = item.Split(' ').Length;
        _wordCount += length;
        await output.OnNextAsync(_wordCount);
        logger.LogInformation("Word count for text \"{Text}\": {Length}, Total WordCount: {WordCount}", item, length, _wordCount);

    public Task OnCompletedAsync()
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    public Task OnErrorAsync(Exception ex)
        return Task.CompletedTask;

Based on the configuration, Grain Auger will generate the necessary Orleans grains and streams to execute the dataflow on an Orleans cluster. The dataflow will read input from a stream named "WordCountInput", process it using the WordCounter grain, and write the output to a stream named "wordCounterStream".

Generated code
// <auto-generated/>

namespace GrainAugerCodeGen.WordCount;

Found Dag for job WordCountJob:
Foreign Source <string> -> inputStream
inputStream -[WordCount.WordCounter]-> wordCountStream

Found constructors:
WordCount.WordCounter.WordCounter(Orleans.Streams.IAsyncObserver<int>, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger<WordCount.WordCounter>)

internal class wordCountStream :
private readonly global::Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger<wordCountStream> _logger;
private global::Orleans.Streams.IAsyncStream<global::System.Int32> _outputStream;
private readonly global::WordCount.WordCounter _processor0;

    internal wordCountStream(
        global::Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger<wordCountStream> logger,
        global::Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger<global::WordCount.WordCounter> v1
        _logger = logger;
        _processor0 = new global::WordCount.WordCounter(_outputStream, v1);

    public override async Task OnActivateAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)

        await base.OnActivateAsync(cancellationToken);

        var inputStreamProvider = this.GetStreamProvider("MemoryStream");
        var inputStreamId = global::Orleans.Runtime.StreamId.Create("WordCountInput", this.GetPrimaryKeyString());
        var inputStream = inputStreamProvider.GetStream<global::System.String>(inputStreamId);

        var outputStreamProvider = this.GetStreamProvider("MemoryStream");
        var outputStreamId = global::Orleans.Runtime.StreamId.Create("wordCounterStream", this.GetPrimaryKeyString());
        _outputStream = outputStreamProvider.GetStream<global::System.Int32>(outputStreamId);

        await inputStream.SubscribeAsync(this);


    public async Task OnNextAsync(global::System.String item, global::Orleans.Streams.StreamSequenceToken token = null)
        _logger.LogInformation("Processing {item}", item);
        // chain the processors
        await _processor0.OnNextAsync(item, token);

    public Task OnCompletedAsync()
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    public async Task OnErrorAsync(Exception ex)
        // push the exception to the output stream
        await _outputStream.OnErrorAsync(ex);



As of now, Grain Auger has the following limitations:

  • The DSL is not fully implemented and is still a work in progress. The current implementation is a proof of concept and is not feature-complete. For example user cannot chain multiple processors without defining a variable for each processor.
  • Source generated code is not being read by Orleans source generators. This in turn requires user to manually copy generated files and save them to the drive. Read more about this limitation here.

Related Work

  • Microsoft Orleans: Orleans is a framework for building distributed systems in .NET. It provides a simple programming model for building distributed applications using the actor model. Orleans streams are a powerful abstraction for building scalable and fault-tolerant data processing pipelines.
  • Orleans Virtual Actors: Virtual actors are a powerful abstraction for building scalable and fault-tolerant distributed systems. They provide a simple programming model for building distributed applications using the actor model. Virtual actors are a key feature of the Orleans framework.
  • Apache Beam: Beam is a unified programming model for building batch and streaming data processing pipelines. It provides a high-level API for defining data processing pipelines that can be executed on a variety of distributed processing backends.
  • Apache Flink: Flink is a distributed stream processing framework for building real-time data processing applications. It provides a high-level API for defining data processing pipelines that can be executed on a distributed cluster.


Declarative streaming language for Microsoft Orleans.







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