Exmaple of Unit Test - Kotlin Multiplatform Compose
UI Unit test and Kotlin unit test
Add below plugin:
id("org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kover") version "0.8.0"
Set below rule: If test meets the cover rule test will pass otherwise failed: Ex:
kover {
reports {
verify {
rule {
* If 10% code is executed in test it should pass, otherwise failed
* You can set it 80 if you can write that much unit test code
filters { // To get clean report we should filter unwanted packages/classes
excludes {
// Entry points
classes("MainKt") // Desktop
classes("*.MainActivity") // Android
// Generated classes and resources
packages("*.di*") // Dependency injection package
// Compose related(If you don't do UI testing)
classes("CounterKtTest") // For this project this is for UI testing
Run kover from terminal:
./gradlew koverVerify -> Run all test and see error/exception in html page
./gradlew koverHtmlReport -> Get test report in html page to see how much code are covered by test
If failed it will show an html link in terminal about code coverage info.
Test Class: CalculatorTest
Function Class: MyCalculator