====== FRONT-END =======
- Responsive Layout
- Shopping Cart, Wishlist, Product Reviews
- Coupons & Discounts
- Product attributes: cost price, promotion price, stock, size...
- Blog: category, tag, content, web page
- Module/Extension: Shipping, payment, discount, ...
- Upload manager: banner, images,..
- SEO support: customer URL
- Newsletter management
- Contact forms with the real-time notification
- Related Products, Recommendations for you in our categories
- A Product search form
- Product Share and follow from different social platform...
- Order Tracking system
- Multi-level comment system
======= ADMIN =======
- Admin roles, permission
- Product manager
- Media manager using unisharp laravel file manager
- Banner manager
- Order management
- Category management
- Brand management
- Shipping Management
- Review Management
- Blog, Category & Tag manager
- User Management
- Coupon Management
- System config: email setting, info shop, maintain status,...
- Line Chart & Pie chart ...
- Generate order in pdf form...
- Real time message & notification
- Profile Settings Many more....
======= USER DASHBOARD =======
- Order management
- Review Management
- Comment Management
- Profile Settings
follow the following instructions to run:
- Download and install xampp-win32-5.6.35-0-VC11-installer.exe. You can also download another version like wamp server
- Navigate to localhost/phpmyadmin and create a new database called carrental
- When it has been created, navigate to import tab. Then select the sql file in this folder. Select go.
- You can navigaate to the system via localhost/carrental
- Username and password for admin section is admin and password.
- For normal system us, you can use [email protected] and password is password.
## Admin Screenshots :
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