A Minecraft mod that provides mps style armor
##Development Install Forge as usual, and setup your IDE as with any other Forge project.
##Compile from Source
- Setup: Run [gradle]in the repository root:
gradlew[.bat] [setupDevWorkspace|setupDecompWorkspace] [eclipse|idea]
- Build: Run [gradle]in the repository root: `gradlew[.bat] build'
- If obscure Gradle issues are found try running 'gradlew clean' and 'gradlew cleanCache'
##Issue reporting Please include the following:
- Minecraft version
- ITA-Tech version
- Forge version/build
- Versions of any mods potentially related to the issue
- Any relevant screenshots are greatly appreciated.
- For crashes:
- Steps to reproduce
- ForgeModLoader-client-0.log (the FML log) from the root folder of the client
##Licenses The Project is under the MIT License. Do what you want with the code, but under no circumstances am I liable.