This repo is now deprecated. It has been split into two different packages:
This repository is a set of utility classes and functions for Truefit's React based applications.
Can be found on npm as truefit-react-utils
Helpful wrappers of Axios for HTTP access
To get started, you need to pass an axios config object:
import {configureHttp} from 'truefit-react-utils';
baseURL: '',
timeout: 1000,
headers: {'X-Custom-Header': 'foobar'}
from there you have four functions available to you, one for each of the http verbs:
get('user', {id: 1}).then((response) => { // do something });
post('user', {name: 'john doe'}).then((response) => { // do something });
put('user', {id: 1, name: 'john doe'}).then((response) => { // do something });
patch('user', {id: 1, name: 'john doe'}).then((response) => { // do something });
httpDelete('user', {id: 1}).then((response) => { // do something });
Higher level functions allowing you to represent a reducer as a state machine instead of the traditional switch statement.
This higher order function returns a reducer for use with Redux. It accepts the initial state of the reducer and a set of states.
import stateReducer from 'truefit-react-utils';
export default stateReducer([], {
DATA_REMOVED: (state, payload) =>,
DATA_LOADED: (state, payload) =>,
This higher order function returns a reducer for use with Redux. It is intended for use with redux-promise-middleware. It accepts the root action type, the initial state of the reducer and a set of states. It will match the root action type with the generated types returned by the middleware.
import promiseReducer from 'truefit-react-utils';
export default promiseReducer('FOO', [], {
PENDING: (state, payload) =>,
FULFILLED: (state, payload) =>,
REJECTED: (state) => [],