This Python-based project is designed to help you sort and manage your artifacts in Genshin Impact. With this tool, you can easily organize and categorize your in-game items for better inventory management.
(only in Russian for now)
- Item Sorting: The program allows you to sort your items based on various criteria.
- Customization: You can customize the sorting criteria according to your preferences.
- User-Friendly: The project provides a user-friendly interface for easy interaction.
- Presets: Create and use your own presets to save time.
from source
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd genshin-art-parser
Install the required dependencies using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install tesseract
Enjoy your organized inventory!
Select the desired parameters,
Enter the desired name e.g. my_config (without /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |, +, ,)
Press save button
After the first run, the presets folder and 3 files inside will appear in the application directory.
| Art.exe
| presets
| config.json
| default.json
| nothing.json
| logs
| art_parser.log
| summary.txt
| tesseract
| tesseract.exe
| tessdata
| rus.traineddata
"presets": ["nothing", "default"],
"path_to_tesseract": "tesseract",
"language": "rus",
"app_theme": "dark",
"auto_open_genshin": "True",
"screen_ratio": "16:9"
- app_theme: dark / light / system
- auto_open_genshin: True / False (only False right now)
- screen_ratio: 16:9 / 16:10 / 4:3 (only 16:9 right now)
This preset is loaded by default. It is most convenient to edit in the application itself. (Select the default preset, create the required configuration, save)
"sets": [],
"sands": [],
"goblet": [],
"circlet": [
"Шанс крит. попадания",
"Крит. урон"
"sands_d": [],
"goblet_d": [],
"circlet_d": [],
"substats": [
"Шанс крит. попадания",
"Крит. урон"
This project is licensed under the MIT License.